Classical and late-ancient philology. Edition technique for Greek texts of the late ancient and Byzantine era. (PhD)
Previous paleographic knowledge is not required but recommended.
The aim of the course is the in-depth examination of the brand-new edition of the commentary by Proclus (412-485) on Plato’s Timaeus. This edition (G. Van Riel, Procli Diadochi In Platonis Timaeum Commentaria, 5 vol. [Oxford Classical Texts], Oxford University Press, 2022) will be compared with the 20th cent. reference edition (Procli Diadochi In Platonis Timaeum commentaria, ed. Ernst Diehl, 3 vol. [Bibliotheca Teubneriana], Leipzig, Teubner, 1903-1906). The 2022 edition takes into account two MSS unknown to the 20th cent. editor Diehl: Paris. Suppl. gr. 921, a MS of the so-called “Collection philosophique” (9th cent.) and Patmiacus Eileton 897 (11th-12th cent.). The students will be guided to detect the editorial technique of the two editors and to evaluate the main differences between the two editions, old and new.
Obiettivi formativi
The chief learning objective is to develop the ability to assess different critical editions of the same text, through analytical comparison and examination of manuscript sources.