The Culture of the Baroque (1550-1700)

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seminar discussion


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This course aims to outline the cultural traits that define the new Italo-Spanish intellectual universe that emerged and became dominant in Europe between 1570 and 1650.

The first part will outline the cultural foundations of this new culture, emphasizing the awareness that the world is not as it appears.

The second part will highlight the new intellectual beliefs regarding the practices of the self in society.

In the third part, dedicated to politics both within and outside the courts, the course will seek to relate this set of dominant beliefs to the practical and theoretical transformations of the courtly universe.

The underlying idea is that this Baroque culture, which became dominant after the decline of Renaissance confidence in a clear and virtuous world and persisted until the rise of French-dominated neoclassicism, constituted an identifiable and delineable weltanschauung. This cultural and political universe, in a world marked by distrust in progress, remains suggestive in many aspects today.

Obiettivi formativi

Students will gain a deep understanding of the cultural foundations of the Italo-Spanish intellectual universe between 1570 and 1650, focusing on how this new culture emerged and became dominant in Europe.

They will learn about the transition from Renaissance ideals to Baroque perspectives and explore key texts and artworks that illustrate this shift. Students will explore how individuals of the period understood their social environments and how these practices were reflected in contemporary literature and philosophy.

They will analyze the political landscape of the era understanding how the dominant beliefs influenced political thought and practice, and how these ideas were manifested in the courtly universe.

Finally, students will reflect on how this historical cultural and political universe, marked by distrust in progress, remains relevant and suggestive in contemporary discussions and interpretations.


Modulo Ore CFU Docenti
Modulo 2: Passioni e interessi (per ordinari e PhD) 20 3 Francesco Benigno
Modulo 1: Un mondo oscuro, da disvelare (per ordinari) 20 3 Francesco Benigno