Ethics and politics at the end of the Middle Ages: the case of Lombardy (Ordinario)

Period of duration of course
Course info
Number of course hours
Number of hours of lecturers of reference

Modalità esame


Note modalità di esame

Seminar topics and dates will be agreed with the lecturer.

The reception is on Wednesday, 10-12 a.m., unless special arrangements are made with the lecturer.

Classes will be held on Tuesday, h. 18-20; Wednesday, h. 8-10 and h. 18-20.


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The course is designed for ordinary students, but is open to anyone interested in.


The Historian's Workshop (Ordinary students)

This course has an eminently practical purpose, and aims to bring students closer to the historian's profession. Taking advantage of the presence of the archives of Riccardo Fubini and Eugenio Garin, preserved in the School's Archive Centre, we will dwell on a number of articles by these scholars - in which the relationship between ethics, politics and humanism is central - and reconstruct, through their working materials, the construction of the historiographic product.

Obiettivi formativi

The aims of the course are to introduce students to historiographic reflection and refine a critical approach to sources.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Bibliographic references will be given during the course.


Modulo Ore CFU Docenti
Modulo 1: Introduzione storiografica (per ordinari) 20 3 Federica Maria Giovanna Cengarle
Modulo 2: A proposito del contesto lombardo (1370-1425) (per ordinari e PhD) 20 3 Federica Maria Giovanna Cengarle