Gender Studies. Feminist Philosophies
No prerequisites - open to all course years
The course intends to show how the situated point of view proposed by feminist philosophies challenges the status of political philosophy, questioning what politics is, what counts as political action and what links there are between the public and the private. For this, Carla Lonz’'s thought will be used as a junction through which to analyse the fundamental concepts of body, gender, private and public, also in relation to other authors such as Simone de Beauvoir, Monique Wittig and Judith Butler.
Obiettivi formativi
The aim of the course is to provide the methodological and theoretical tools of feminist philosophies in order to understand their central themes and contemporary debates. The course, through a theoretical-critical perspective, will make it possible to address the fundamental themes of gender studies. Furthermore, the aim of the course is to understand the gender perspective as a method and tool of critical analysis and to be able to apply it to different fields of knowledge.
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the necessary skills to formulate an autonomous critical judgement on texts and their interpretations and to apply the knowledge acquired to the analysis of contemporary political problems.
Riferimenti bibliografici
- References will be indicated in class. However, it is considered important to indicate at least the following texts:
- Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, il Saggiatore
- Carla Lonzi, Spit on Hegel and other writings, La Tartaruga
- Monique Wittig, Heterosexual thinking, short shadows
- Judith Butler, Gender Matters. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, Laterza