General Linguistics (Ordinario)

Period of duration of course
Course info
Number of course hours
Number of hours of lecturers of reference
Number of hours of supplementary teaching

Modalità esame

Seminar report

Note modalità di esame

The seminar report, whose topic will be chosen with the instructor’s assistance, not necessarily related to the topics covered in the class lectures. 


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There are no prerequisites. Beginners in linguistics will be individually supported according to their needs.


Since its establishment as a modern scientific discipline, linguistics has considered language change as an object of study: originally, indeed, in its nineteenth-century stage, as a privileged focus since the first fully modern method to come to the fore in the history of the discipline can be said to be the comparative-historical method. Beginning with the canonisation, with the 20th century, of the distinction between a synchronic and diachronic perspective (Saussure, in particular), the pendulum has swung back and forth several times with the import in one or the other direction of concepts and tools of method first developed on one of the two fronts.

To cite just two examples: Hoenigswald (1950) introduced into diachronic linguistics, for the reconstruction of proto-languages, the discovery procedure employed by American structuralism to establish the phonematic inventory of a language in synchronicity, while Kiparsky (1965), “by distinguishing innovation from restructuring [...], introduced the synchronic distinction of competence and performance into the realm of sound change” (so Blevins 2004: 66) where in turn, with the synchronic ordering of phonological rules, relative chronology, a tool of diachronic/historical linguistics, had been imported. The latter, it should be added, are not synonymous expressions for many.

In this course, after a general overview of the topic, the results of current or recently completed research will be presented and discussed, all of which have the analysis of change as their leitmotif, with different methods and tools. One of the topics on the agenda will be the diachronic emergence of typological rarities, for which an attempt will be made to find a common thread that helps to explain them based on preconditions determined by change. On the front of methods, there will be a presentation of the use of psycho- and neuro-linguistic methodology (event-related potentials and eye-tracking) – usually employed for the synchronic study of language processing – for the investigation of ongoing change.

For those who approach the course with no previous knowledge of linguistics, a 20-hour supplementary teaching programme is provided as an aid.

Obiettivi formativi

The classes aim at arousing the students’ awareness about language complexity and diversity, to be further investigated in individually-targeted seminars.

Riferimenti bibliografici

As a background reading, an introduction to historical linguistics is recommended. E.g:

Campbell, Lyle (1998). Historical linguistics. An introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Fanciullo, Franco (2007). Introduzione alla linguistica storica. Bologna: il Mulino.

On typological rara et rarissima one can consult:

Wohlgemuth, Jan & Michael Cysouw, eds. (2010). Rethinking universals. How rarities affect linguistic theory. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

A brief introduction to neuro- and psycholinguistic methodology:

Bambini, Valentina & Paolo Canal (2021). Neurolinguistic Research, In Michele Loporcaro (ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Romance Linguistics (part of Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics ed. by M. Aronoff). New York: Oxford University Press

Further literature will be suggested as the course proceeds.


Modulo Ore CFU Docenti
General Linguistics (Ordinario) 40 6 Michele Loporcaro
Supplementary teaching activity 20 0 Leonardo De Santis, Claudio Benedetto Maggi, Luca Onorato, Battista Salvi