History of Philosophy (Ordinario)

Period of duration of course
Course info
Number of course hours
Number of hours of lecturers of reference

Modalità esame

18 to 30 cum laude

Note modalità di esame

For students of the first and second years an oral exam (the date of which will be agreed upon between class and instructor) will be the final verification. From the third year on it is possible to present a so-called seminar, or to write a final paper on topics to be determined with the instructor.

Attendance is mandatory and will be evaluated in the final grade. Likewise, participation in class discussion and weekly readings will be part of the final grade, as per the 'Goals of the course'.


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The class is open to whoever wants to follow, from freshmen to Ph.D students. The first part is particularly recommended for B.A. students, the second part ( common to Ph.D. students) for everyone.


Philosophy and history of Philosophy in Hegel - Part One

We will read select texts by Hegel on the problem of the relationship between philosophy and history of philosophy. Among the texts to be examined are the Lectures on the History of Philosophy and the Introduction and the 'Preliminary Concept' of the Berlin Encyclopaedia

Heidegger's Aristotle in Marburg - Part Two

We will read some of the lecture-courses devoted by Heidegger to Aristotle in Marburg. We will try to understand how, from the Natorp-Bericht to the courses of 1925-26, Aristotle comes to be considered the first phenomenologist and a crucial source of inspiration for the formation of Heidegger's mature thought as it will take shape in Being and Time.

In the first meeting we will talk about the structure of the class and the possibility of seminars. For this reason there will be an intermission of two weeks before we resume, first with lectures by the instructor and then with seminars by students.

Obiettivi formativi

The goal is to acquire the skills to interrogate and work on texts and to develop a co-operative interaction in a seminar-style discussion

Riferimenti bibliografici

for part 1:

G.W.F. Hegel, Lezioni sulla storia della filosofia, trad. it. Codignola - Sanna, La nuova Italia, Firenze 1930 e sgg., vol. 1

G.W.F. Hegel, Lezioni sulla storia della filosofia, trad. it. R. Bordoli, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009

G.W.F. Hegel, Enciclopedia delle scienze fiulosofiche, Vol. 1, La scienza della logica, a cura di Verra, UTET, Torino 1981

for part 2:

Heidegger's works:

Interpretazioni fenomenologiche di Aristotele. Elaborazione per le facoltà filosofiche di Marburgo e Gottinga (1922), a cura di A.P. Ruoppo, Guida, Napoli 2005

Il sofista di Platone, a cura di N. Curcio, Adelphi, Milano 2013

Concetti fondamentali della filosofia aristotelica, a cura di G. Gurisatti, Adelphi, Milano 2017

Logica. Il problema della verità, a cura di U.M.Ugazio, Mursia, Milano 1986

Concetti fondamentali della filosofia antica, a cura di F.Volpi, Adelphi, Milano 2000


Modulo Ore CFU Docenti
Modulo 1: Filosofia e storia della filosofia in Hegel (per ordinari) 20 3 Alfredo Ferrarin
Modulo 2: Lo Heidegger di Marburgo su Platone e Aristotele (per ordinari e PhD) 20 3 Alfredo Ferrarin