Introduction to proof-theory (Ordinario)

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Number of course hours
Number of hours of lecturers of reference

Modalità esame

Oral Exam


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No prerequisites are required to attend the course.


Module 1: What is a logical proof?

Elements of the history of logic: hypotheses on the origin of the syllogism.

The notion of a formal system and logical calculus.

Classical propositional logic: natural deduction and sequent calculus.

Intuitionistic logic.

Modal logics.

Substructural logics.

Classical first-order logic.

Cut elimination strategies.

Module 2: Logical Information

The problem of the analyticity of logic: themes from the history of philosophy and the history of logic.

The paradox of information and logic.

Obiettivi formativi

The educational objective of a course is to enable participants to learn its contents. This course is no exception.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Papers indicated during the lessons.


A. S. Troelstra, H. Schwichtenberg, Basic Proof Theory. Cambridge University Press, 2000.


Modulo Ore CFU Docenti
Modulo 1: Che cos'e una dimostrazione logica? (per ordinari) 20 3 Mario Piazza
Modulo 2: Logica e informazione (per ordinari e PhD) 20 3 Mario Piazza