Key themes and debates in feminist movements
This course is an elective (optional) for all PhD students in “Political Science and Sociology.” No specific prerequisites are required to attend class and all are most welcome.
The course proposes an investigation of feminism understood as a collective effort that intertwines theory and praxis. In this sense, feminism can be understood as an approach to reality that aims to unveil, denounce and overcome the social inequalities and injustices that arise from the gender divisions and differences embedded in the patriarchal structure of societies. While feminist theory is an intellectual, analytical and political enterprise, it can be analyzed only in reference to the actual practices and material struggles of the feminist movements which have mobilized to advance equality, freedom and justice for women and other fragile social subjects. Rather than looking at the evolution of feminism through time, the course will analyze the key themes that feminists have debated in their fight against patriarchy, capitalism and colonization. In fact, feminism cannot be seen as a unified and pacified cosmos. To the opposite, different strands of thoughts, different feminist generations, movements embracing different path towards emancipation have often regarded the same problems from different angles. In particular, we will explore controversies and debates over the following key themes: foundations of gender, sexuality, sex work, motherhood, housework, surrogate motherhood, transfeminism.
The course will run from 8/11/2024 to 16/12/2024
Fri. 8/11/2024 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (3h)
Fri. 15/11/2024 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (3h)
Fri. 22/11/2024 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (3h)
Fri. 29/11/2024 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (3h)
Tue. 3/12/2024 11 a.m.-1 p.m. (2h)
Mon. 9/12/2024 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (3h)
Obiettivi formativi
This Course will enable students to
• explore different feminist theories and debates, recognizing similarities and interrogating differences between and among these approaches;
• evaluate feminist theories and themes in a critical and rigorous manner;
• articulate how feminist theories shape academic research;
• draw on feminist theories to explore their own areas of interest;
• reflect on the relationship between feminist theories and movements’ practices;
• appreciate the interactive and reciprocal nature of feminist theory, practice and activism;
• recognize political and ethical issues in relation to feminist theory and the study of feminist activism;
• consider the collaborative nature of feminist theory and practice.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Details of lectures and bibliographic directions will be made available in September.