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Docenti di didattica integrativa


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What is Pier Paolo Pasolini's relationship with others? And what, through others, is what in a 'singular' (not single) voice others have represented and represent as people, places, figures of the real and the imaginary?

The centenary of the birth of one of the most multifaceted figures in the history of Italian and international culture has just ended, on the basis of the conference held at the Department of Humanistic Studies of the University of Trieste on 24 and 25 February 2023 - the last of the numerous conferences organized in Pasolini year - the course focuses on some studies born from multiple voices from the world of culture eager to question still unexplored and fertile aspects of Pasolini's legacy.

The interrelationships between the intellectual from Casarsa and other figures of friends, poets, Italian and foreign intellectuals: the dialogue in the absence with Proust, the dialogue, through the partly unpublished epistolary correspondence, with Attilio Bertolucci, the relationship with the poets of Trieste, the distant link with the feminine and Sénac's Algeria. Again the spaces and places with which he has been and can continue to be in dialogue. The relationship between literary writing and writing for the cinema, the shadowy sides of epistolary writing, the contradictions of theatrical writing. And as a reflection of all these traces of research, only apparently known and still explorable, the positioning and discussion on the possible - or impossible - aesthetic-political function of Pier Paolo Pasolini in the present. In art, in culture. Especially in poetry.

Obiettivi formativi

Acquire tools for understanding and commenting on Italian twentieth-century poetry.

Deepen and compare the most recent theoretical research, both national and international, on the genre of the poetry anthology.

Show hermeneutic skills in the intra and intertextual interpretation of works by one / one or more authors and authors.

Study the history of Italian peosia publishers. Reasoning on the historical matrix of authorial choices.

To deepen the knowledge of the literary, artistic and intellectual work of the Italian poets of the twentieth century.

Reasoning on the notion of canon in the poetic twentieth century.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Pier Paolo Pasolini, figure, luoghi, dialoghi, a cura di E. Donzelli, Marsilio editori, Venezia, 2024.


Modulo Ore CFU Docenti
Modulo 1: Pasolini: dialoghi, luoghi, figure (per ordinari) 20 3 Elisa Donzelli
Modulo 2: La poesia italiana degli anni Settanta (per ordinari e PhD) 20 3 Elisa Donzelli
Supplementary teaching activity 20 0 Isabel Zamboni