Propertius and Latin Elegy (Ordinario)

Period of duration of course
Course info
Number of course hours
Number of hours of lecturers of reference
Number of hours of supplementary teaching

Modalità esame

Seminar presentation.

Please consult the Programme section.

Note modalità di esame

The seminar presentation will be assessed on the basis of the ability to present clearly and concisely the state of the art, to use the appropriate methodologies, and to offer plausible results. The assessment will take into account the course year attended by each student, with graded objectives based on previous experience.


The module is intended for undergraduate, MA students and PhD students. Visiting students are warmly welcome; they are encouraged to contact the lecturer at the earliest opportunity, also in order to discuss alternative forms of assessment.

A good knowledge of Latin is assumed.



Produced in Rome over a relatively short period of time and characterised by rigid assumptions and conventions, elegiac poetry stands out as one of the most problematic genres in Latin literature. Within the elegiac corpus, Propertius constitutes a voice of intense originality, both on an expressive and conceptual level. Starting from the analysis of some of Propertius' most consequential poems, the course, which is divided into two complementary modules, will outline the key methodological coordinates needed to tackle the main issues of erotic elegy and to frame them in the contemporary critical debate.

Structure and calendar

Unless otherwise specified, lessons will begin on Wednesday 6 November 2024

The first module (20 hours), will be completed by February 2025. The second module, mainly devoted to the discussion of seminar papers, will be held after the conclusion of the colloquia, normally scheduled in the second half of April.

A detailed programme of the texts and bibliography covered in each class, which will have to prepared in advance, will be made available before the beginning of the course.

Participation in class discussion is strongly encouraged.


Seminar presentation.

The seminar paper will address a topic related to the course - usually the analysis of a section of text - agreed upon with the lecturer about two months in advance of the scheduled date.

Further details will be provided in class.

Preparation will be carried out in small groups, in order to encourage the seminar dimension of the course and to foster debate, with regular meetings both with the lecturer and with the PhD students responsible for supplementary teaching specifically related to this course (see the Programme section).

The approximate duration of the oral presentation is 30 minutes, followed by discussion.

A handout containing the texts to be discussed (with translation) and the relevant bibliography should be emailed to the lecturer at least one week before the seminar, and made available to the whole class on the Teams page at least 1-2 days before the seminar.

Visiting students are welcome to discuss alternative forms of examination with the lecturer.

Supplementary teaching

The course includes two distinct sections of supplementary teaching:

1) the first, Propedeutica, is aimed particularly at first year students, and is shared with the following subjects: Greek Philology (Prof. Beghini), Latin Philology (Prof. Berti) and Greek Literature (Prof. Battezzato). Its purpose is to prepare for attendance of the relevant courses by offering elements of philology, linguistics and metrics, and indications on the main research tools and methods in the field. This module will begin in the first week of October 2024 and will end in early November.

The course will be taught in Italian. Visiting students are warmly encouraged to attend.

2) the second section, held in the second part of the academic year, is specifically intended for this course, and will tutor students in the preparation of the seminar paper.

Obiettivi formativi

The course aims at the acquisition of an in-depth knowledge of the main thematic and stylistic aspects of Propertius' Elegies in the light of the contemporary critical debate, which should also encourage the development of personal reading strategies.

Riferimenti bibliografici

The text used as reference will be the edition, with critical apparatus, translation and commentary edited by Paolo Fedeli for the Fondazione Valla's series ‘Scrittori Greci e Latini’ (Properzio, Elegie, Milano, 2021-2022, 2 volumi), which contains, in addition to an extensive general introduction, a rich, up-to-date bibliography.

Given the particularly problematic nature of Propertius' text, it is strongly recommended to use this edition, rather than editions which do not include a critical apparatus.

Further bibliographical indications, including on the most relevant theoretical aspects for the study of Roman elegy, will be provided at the beginning of the course.

As general introduction to the topics covered in the course the following items may be consulted; on Propertius:

P. Fedeli, ‘Da Assisi a Roma: un itinerario poetico’, in Properzio, Elegie, Milano 2021, vol.1, xi-xlvii

M. Hubbard, Propertius, London 1974

A. La Penna, L’integrazione difficile: un profilo di Properzio, Torino 1977


on elegy:

R. Barthes, Frammenti di un discorso amoroso, trad. it. Torino 2014

P. Pinotti, L’elegia latina. Storia di una forma poetica, Roma 2022

R. O. A. M. Lyne, The Latin Love Poets: from Catullus to Horace, Oxford 1980


Modulo Ore CFU Docenti
Modulo 1: Propertius and Latin Elegy (per ordinari) 20 3 Alessandro Schiesaro
Modulo 2: Propertius and Latin Elegy (per ordinari e PhD) 20 3 Alessandro Schiesaro
Supplementary teaching activity 20 0
Propedeutica 20 0