Seneca's Apocolocyntosis and De clementia (PhD)
The course requires a solid kwoledge of Latin language. The course can be attended by students of all years of study.
The Apocolocyntosis and De clementia are Seneca's two works composed at the beginning of Nero's principate. Both present special problems concerning their composition and transmission, but also their structure, literary genre and destination. The course aims to address all these issues, so as to provide a general framework of these two interesting works, before moving on to a detailed reading of them, dwelling mainly on philological and exegetical problems.
Obiettivi formativi
The educational goals of the course are: development of critical awareness about methods and instruments of Latin philology and their practical use; development of the critical capacity to present and discuss research contributions in the field of Latin philology; development of the capacity to present in an effective way the state of the art of a critical problem inherent to Latin philology, and to expose the results of one's research with precision and clarity, both in written and oral form.
Riferimenti bibliografici
- L. Annaei Senecae De beneficiis libri VII; De clementia libri II; Apocolocyntosis, ed. R. A. Kaster, Oxford 2022
- L. Annaei Senecae ΑΠΟΚΟΛΟΚΥΝΤΩΣΙΣ, ed. R. Roncali, Leipzig 1990
- Seneca, Apocolocyntosis, ed. by P. T. Eden, Cambridge 1984
- L, Annaei Senecae Divi Claudi ΑΠΟΚΟΛΟΚΥΝΤΩΣΙΣ, a cura di C. F. Russo, Firenze 19856
- L, Annaei Seneca De clementia libri II, ed. E. Malaspina, Leipzig 2016
- Seneca, De clementia, ed. by S. Braund, Oxford 2009
- L, Annaei Seneca De clementia libri duo, a cura di E. Malaspina, Alessandria 2001.
Further bibliographical references will be supplied during the course.
Modulo | Ore | CFU | Docenti |
Modulo 2:L'Apocolocyntosis: problemi filologici e interpretativi (per ordinari e PhD) | 20 | 3 | Emanuele Berti |
Modulo 3: Il De clementia: problemi filologici e interpretativi (per PhD) | 20 | 3 |