Transnational and Global Governance

Period of duration of course
Course info
Number of course hours
Number of hours of lecturers of reference
Number of hours of supplementary teaching

Modalità esame



Optional for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of the PhD Programme in "Political Science and Sociology"

Optional for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of the PhD Programme in "Transnational Governance"

Optional for the 4th and 5th year students of the MA Programme in "Political and Social Sciences"


Course Overview

The course introduces students to the key concepts of transnational and global governance at the crossroads of international relations studies and comparative politics and policy analysis. After reconstructing the genealogy of the concept of governance itself, the course presents new forms of governance and theories behind them, and problematizes concepts used in governance literature (e.g. fragility, resilience, etc).

That way it proposes new lenses to analyse both international and national political dynamics, as well as forms of local (and rebel) governance.

This year the course presents in-depth context-specific information on the transnational and global governance of global trends in an international competitive context, with leading scholars and practitioners that present new insights on the topics at stake.

Course format:

The first part of the course (the first three classes) is based on frontal teaching. The second part of the course is organized in the form of workshops with external speakers to shed light on current evidence of transnational governance.


Each student is expected to be active all along the course both in the first and the second part. As for the second part the students are expected to play the role of discussant of the external speakers’ presentations and to use all the theoretical, analytical, methodological and conceptual tools proposed in the first part.

PHD students must produce a final paper (in English), with a maximum length of 3,000 words, on one of the topics covered during the course, to be agreed with the instructors (please note: students are encouraged to write their essay on the topic of the presentation).

More detailed information on the requirements of the course will be discussed on the first day of class.



Session 1 / Sessione 1

Mon, 13 May, 14-17hrs                                  

Introduction to Transnational Governance/Introduzione alla Transnational Governance


Required readings/Letture richieste: 

  • Levi-Faur, D., 2012. “From "Big Government" to "Big Governance?"”. In Levi-Faur D. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Governance. Oxford: OUP.
  • Bevir, M., 2011. “Governance as theory, practice and dilemma”. In Bevir M. (ed.) The Handbook of Governance. London: SAGE.


Session 2 / Sessione 2

Policy analysis and the concept of governance / Analisi delle Politiche e il concetto di governance

Fri, 17 May, 10-12h30

Required readings/Letture richieste 

  • G. Capano, M. Howlett, M. Ramesh (2015), Re-thinking Governance in Public Policy: Dynamics, Strategy, and capacity, in G. Capano, M. Howlett, M. Ramesh (eds.), Varieties of Governance, Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Coleman, W.W., 2012. “Governance and Global Policy”. In: Levi-Faur D. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Governance. Oxford: OUP.
  • P.R. Graziano and C. Halpern (2015), “EU governance in times of crisis: Inclusiveness and effectiveness beyond the ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ law divide”, Comparative European Politics.


Session 3 / Sessione 3

Tue, 21 may, 10-12.30hrs

International relations theory and the concept of governance/Teoria delle relazioni internazionali e il concetto di governance


Required readings/Letture richieste 

  • James Rosenau and Ernst-Otto Czempiel, eds., Governance without Government: Order and Change in World Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992) – In particular "Governance, order and change in world politics"
  • Deudney, The Great Descent: 'Global Governance' in Historical and Theoretical Perspective. In: Acharya A. (ed.) Why Govern?. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Guzzini, S., 2012. “The ambivalent 'Diffusion of Power' in global Governance”, In: Guzzini, S., Neumann, I., The Diffusion of Power in Global Governance: International Political Economy meets Foucault, Palgrave Macmillan, London.



  • Acharya, A., 2016. Rethinking Demand, Purpose and Progress in Global Governance: An Introduction. In: Acharya A. (ed.) Why Govern?. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Weiss, T.G., Wilkinson, R., 2014. Rethinking global governance? Complexity, authority, power, change. International Studies Quarterly, 58(1).
  • Sending, O., Neumann, I., 2006. Governance to governmentality: analyzing NGOs, states, and power. International Studies Quarterly 50(3).
  • Zanotti, L., 2005. Governmentalizing the Post–Cold War International Regime: The UN Debate on Democratization and Good Governance. Alternatives 30(4).
  • Lucarelli, S., Ceccorulli, M., Security Governance: Making the Concept Fit for the Analysis of a Multipolar, Global and Regionalized World. RSCAS 2014/41
  • Duffield, M. 2001. Global Governance and the New Wars: the merging of development and security. London: Zed Books
  • Hameiri S., Jones L., 2015. Governing Borderless Threats. Non-Traditional Security and the Politics of State Transformation. Cambridge University Press.
  • Abrahamsen R., Williams M., 2012., Security Beyond the State. Private Security in International Politics. Cambridge University Press


Session 4 / Sessione 4

Mon, 27 May 9-13 and 14-16. At Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa.

Workshop ‘Sovereignty, transnational politics and migration governance’


Guest speakers and required readings TBA / Oratori esterni e letture richieste da confermare


Session 5 / Sessione 5

Tue, 28 May 9-13 and 14-16. At Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa.

Workshop: The Governance of the EU/La Governance dell’UE


Guest speakers and required readings TBA /Oratori esterni e letture richieste da confermare

Obiettivi formativi

At the end of the course, students are expected to develop a critical understanding of the interaction between different levels of government and of governmental and non-governmental organisations. Students will be familiar with key concepts and analytical and theoretical instruments to understand transnational and global governance.