Conspiracist and far-right mobilization in Saxony: Insights from Telegram groups and channels

Cosmos Talk 

Johannes Kiess, Universität Siegen e Universität Leipzig
Conspiracist and far-right mobilization in Saxony: Insights from Telegram groups and channels


During the Covid-19 pandemic, a new antidemocratic movement transgressing different social milieus has formed in Germany by using lock down measures and vaccination as driving mobilization topics. Meanwhile, the (online) discussions and slogans focus more on Germany's gas price crisis and anti-Western conspiracies regarding the Russian war against Ukraine. In a joint project with the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, we study hybrid mobilization patterns on Telegram transgressing the online/offline divide aiming at understanding the formation and structure of this semi-public sphere. This lecture presents findings from this ongoing study and invites for comparisons with other contexts.