Alessia Tommasi
Assegnista di ricerca
Italian Studies and Modern Philology
Alessia Tommasi is postdoctoral fellow (supervisor: prof. Stefano Carrai) and collaborates to a project on XIVth century Italian literary works. She obtained a PhD at the Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) and has prepared a critical edition of Donato del Casentino’s vernacular translation of Boccaccio’s de mulieribus claris ‒ tutor: prof. S. Carrai.
In the academic years 2023/24 and 2022/23 she held lessons on Petrarch’s Canzoniere and Dante’s Rhymes as supplementary teaching for the course of Italian Literature (prof. S. Carrai).
Her research interests mainly concern the works of Petrarch, Dante and Boccaccio, the field of Medieval vernacular translations and the relationship between text and image in ancient literary works. She has published numerous papers on Boccaccio’s latin works and on its Italian vernacular translations (XIVth-XVIth centuries), as well as on Italian vernacular translations of the Historia de preliis Alexandri Magni. For her previous thesis (LM-14 and L-10) she prepared a critical edition of the Ancient French prosimetrical vernacularisation of S. Benedict’s Life by Wauchier de Denain (from Gregory the Great, Dialogi, book II) and a partial edition of a Venetian vernacular version from a Latin translation of Marco Polo’s Milione.
Alessia Tommasi has published numerous papers on Boccaccio’s works ‒ she has discovered new manuscripts and has published updated lists of the Latin and vernacular tradition of the De mulieribus claris ‒ and on the Italian vernacular translations of the Historia de preliis Alexandri Magni.
She collaborated with the Archive of the SNS (2022-23) and with the Library of the SNS (2022).
She has taken part in collaborative digital works concerning Medieval Italian literature in Latin and Italian vernacular (Boccaccio, Francesco da Barberino, Italian lyric poetry of the Origins), and she is still collaborating to the digital edition of the Corpus Avalle (CLPIO) (dir. prof. L. Leonardi).