Image for Marco Massoni

Marco Massoni

Allievo del Corso di Perfezionamento/PhD

Art History


Marco Massoni is PhD candidate in Art History, after the M.A. degree in History and Cultural Heritage at Pontifical Gregorian University and the M.A. degree in Art History at Sapienza, University of Rome. His project examines the mentions of the Order of the Servants of Mary in Vasari’s Lives and the artistic references in Arcangelo Giani’s historiography. These inquiries exemplify the mendicant order’s role in the promotion of the Mannerism and the Counter-Reformation art and the birth of the artistic Academies. In addition to the Servite art from origin to contemporary art, his interests involve Vasari’s writing exegesis, Humanist friars, Lombard and Tuscan painters in the early 17th century and the art of the canonizations.