The Greeks Overseas

Academic year 2020/2021
Lecturer Gianfranco Adornato

Integrative teaching

Federico Figura, Stefano Bruni


Examination procedure



Knowledge of Greek history and ancient languages. The class is mainly devoted to undergraduate students


The course focuses on the historical phenomenon of the colonization during the Archaic period and analyses the main foundations (apoikiai) in the ancient Mediteranean, from the coasts of the Black Sea to Magna Graecia and Sicily to the Northern coasts of Africa. After an introduction on the recent historiographic debate, part 1 investigates the forms of settlement and contact with local populations; part 2 is dedicated to the most important monuments and artistic inventions, from architecture to ceramics, from coroplastic to numismatic. Within the course, a specific class (20 hours) will be dedicated to the Greeks in Etruria (prof. S. Bruni), present differentiate cases of the dynamic relationship between the two cultures, in Campania, Etruria and Padania area, and offer an introduction to Etruscan language and epigraphy. An Archaeology Lab will provide an introduction to archeological materials and typologies. Furthermore, visits to museums and archaeological sites will be organized during the academic year.

Bibliographical references

Adornato, Gianfranco, ed. 2010. Scolpire il marmo. Importazioni, artisti itineranti, scuole artistiche nel Mediterraneo antico. Atti del convegno di studi (Pisa 2009), Milano: LED

Adornato, Gianfranco. 2020. "Southern Italy." In A Companion to Greeks Across the Ancient World, edited by F. de Angelis, 273-294. Hoboken: Wiley

Ameruoso, Michele. 1996. Megale Hellas: genesi, storia ed stensione del nome, Roma: Istituto Italiano per la Storia Antica

Ampolo, Carmine. 2000. “La funzione dello Stretto nella vicenda politica fino al termine della Guerra del Peloponneso”. In Nel cuore del Mediterraneo antico. Reggio, Messina e le colonie calcidesi dell’area dello Stretto, edited by M. Gras, E. Greco, P.G. Guzzo, 49-70. Corigliano Calabro: Donzelli

Ampolo, Carmine. 2012. “Gli storici del XIX e XX secolo di fronte alla colonizzazione greca in Occidente.” In Origini 2012, 13-34

Boardman, John. 1986. I Greci sui mari. Traffici e colonie. Firenze: Giunti

Buchner, Giorgio, and David Ridgway. 1993. Pithekoussai I. La necropoli. Tombe 1-723 scavate dal 1952 al 1961. Roma (Monumenti Antichi 4)

Bugno, Maurizio, and Concetta Masseria, eds. 2001. Il mondo enotrio tra il VI e il V secolo a.C. Atti dei seminari napoletani (1996-1998). Napoli: Loffredo Editore (Quaderni di Ostraka 1.1)

D’Agostino, Bruno. 2009. “Pitecusa e Cuma all’alba della colonizzazione.” In Cuma 2009, 171-96

De Angelis, Franco. 2009. “Colonies and Colonization.” In The Oxford handbook of Hellenic Studies, edited by G. Boys-Stones, B. Graziosi, and Ph. Vasunia, 48-64. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Denti, Mario 2013. “The contribution of research on Incoronata to the problem of the relations between Greeks and Non-Greeks during proto-colonial times.” Ancient West & East 2013, 12:71-116

Denoyelle, Martine, and Mario Iozzo. 2009. La céramique grecque d'Italie méridionale de Sicile. Productions coloniales et apparentées, du VIIIe au IIIe siècle av. J.C. Paris: Picard

Fischer-Hansen, Tobias, Thomas Heine Nielsen, Carmine Ampolo, eds. 2004. “Italia and Kampania.” In An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. An investigation conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation, 249-320. Oxford: Oxford University Press

La Torre, Gioacchino Francesco. 2011. Sicilia e Magna Grecia. Archeologia della colonizzazione greca d’Occidente, Bari: Editori Laterza

Lombardo, Mario. 2009. “Da apoikia a metropoleis. Dal progetto al convegno.” In Colonie di colonie: le fondazioni ‘subcoloniali’ greche tra ‘colonizzazione’ e ‘colonialismo’, edited by M. Lombardo and F. Frisone (Lecce 2006), 17-30. Galatina: Congedo Editore

Settis, Salvatore. 1994. “Idea dell’arte greca d’Occidente fra Otto e Novecento: Germania e Italia.” In Storia della Calabria antica II. Età italica e romana, edited by S. Settis, 857-902. Roma-Reggio Calabria: Gangemi

Settis, Salvatore, and Maria Cecilia Parra, eds. 2005. Magna Graecia. Archeologia di un sapere. Catalogo della mostra. Milano: Electa

Tsetskhladze, Gocha R., ed. 2008. Greek Colonisation. An account of Greek colonies and other settlements overseas, vol. 2. Leiden- Boston: Brill (Mnemosyne 193)

Yntema, Douwe Geert. 2011. “Archaeology and the origo myths of the Greek apoikiai.” Ancient West & East 10: 243-66