Experimental High Energy Physics II

Academic year 2022/2023
Lecturer Michael Joseph Morello, Luigi Rolandi

Integrative teaching


Examination procedure



This course has an experimental approach and aims to illustrate the experimental techniques and analyses of some of the most current researches in the field of High Energy Physics, with a focus on LHC / CMS & LHCb.  The course is designed for doctoral students, but can also be attended by master students. It requires a basic knowledge of particle physics, for example, having attended the course of Experimental Physics High Energy 1


  • Machine and Detectors.
  • The structure of the proton, the parton distribution functions.
  • Experimental definition of the observables, muon, electron, jet, b-jet. Calibration, resolution, particle identification, efficiencies in CMS&LHCb.
  • Higgs boson discovery and its characterization.
  • Direct and indirect search for new physics at LHC: New di-jet resonances, di-lepton resonances, lepton plus neutrino resonances, stable particles, mono-jets, multi-lepton final states, events with missing  energy. Precision measurement of CKM parameters and measurement of CP violation in heavy flavor decays. Interpretation with various BSM models like SuperSymmetry will be discussed and also connections with astrophysics.


The last part of the program will be defined depending on the interest of the students

Bibliographical references

Papers and Notes depending on the program