The Spin-off and Start-Up companies of the Normale



The first spin-off company of the Normale was formed in 2019; subsequent years saw a progressively growing interest on the part of the Normale personnel in the creation of company activities regarding the economic enhancement of the results of academic research. The spin-off companies of the Normale operate in the  sectors of diagnostics, augmented reality, the creation of multimedial products, cultural heritage and energy.


VIS - VIRTUAL IMMERSION Srl, Spin-off company

Year of setting up: 2019

Activity: the production of multimedial material for scientific dissemination based on innovative digital systems



DREAMSLAB Srl, Spin-off company

Year of setting up: 2020

Year of termination of business: 2023

Activity: the development of innovative visualisation and interaction solutions utilising skills in the field of virtual reality, augmented reality and the development of web applications and multi-device apps



INTA SYSTEMS Srl, Spin-off company

Year of setting up: 2020

Activity: the development and production of ultrasensitive and portable labs-on-chip for the rapid analysis of fluids. The main applications are biomedical, safety, industry 4.0 and food analysis.



INNEXTART Srl, Spin-off company

Year of setting up: 2022

Activity: it develops and produces a digital platform for museums, foundations and collections enabling an immersive visualisation of the digital copy of the artwork, equipped with a series of information certified and identified via NFT and blockchain



PLANCKIAN Srl, Spin-off company

Year of setting up: 2022

Activity: the development of innovative technologies for energy control based on qubit architecture.                                               
