Prevention and Protection Office


The Prevention and Protection Office safeguards prevention and protection for the health and safety of the SNS.


Main activities

-Preparation of the risk assessment document, as well as prevention and protection measures for the health and safety of the workplace, in compliance with current legislation.
-Collaboration with the RUP for the preparation of the document for the assessment of interference risks (DUVRI) for works, services and supplies contracts.
-Support to the Servizi Tecnici di Edilizia for the identification of prevention and protection measures deriving from changes and/or new designs of the working environments and/or linked to works and other building activities (e.g. redefinition of escape routes; increase of portable extinguishers and related signs, etc.).
-Identification and assessment of risk factors and preventive measures to be implemented in the development of the SNS's safety procedures (risk analysis, identification of safety procedures, checks on the effectiveness of the fire risk protection system, identification and management of emergency teams, etc.).
-Identification of the procedures for the management and disposal of special waste and organization of the consultancy service on issues relating to environmental hygiene, etc.
-Support to the Employer for the identification of prevention and protection measures and specific safety and emergency plans for extraordinary events such as: meteorological and environmental emergencies; pandemic emergencies; seismic emergencies; etc.
-Support to the structures of the SNS in the field of safety and protection in relation to the planning, design, implementation and monitoring of works on buildings and systems.
-Design and supply of safety signs, also from the structures that oversee works and maintenance.
-Information and training on prevention, health and safety, advice in the field of accident prevention for all those who are responsible for the latter, management of periodic risk prevention and protection meetings.
-Support and coordination of the emergency teams (fire and first aid) assigned to the various buildings of the SNS.
-Support to the structures of the SNS for the procurement of Personal and Collective Protective Equipment, safety and first aid devices.
-Support to the staff management structure on activities related to the health protocol, in coordination with the medical officer of the SNS.