The Property Service


The Property Service organises and manages the technical and administrative activities necessary to maintain, enhance and guarantee the usability of the Normale's property assets.

 Property development

Technical consultation to the other structures of the Normale and to the governing authorities for the development and updating of the property development plan, in addition to operational support at the application stage.

 Three-year plan and annual programme of public works

Studies of feasibility, preparation of the plans and – subject to approval on the part of the decisional authorities and funding – the putting into effect of the interventions.

Environmental sustainability

Survey of energy efficiency; proposal, planning and carrying out of interventions that, utilising innovative technologies compatible with the characteristics of the buildings, lead to increased energy saving and improvement in user comfort.

 Planning and direction of the works

The carrying out of all the technical, administrative, accounting and management activities necessary for the drafting of projects, the obtaining of permits and the implementation of special maintenance interventions, restoration, restructuring and new constructions necessary to guarantee the Normale adequate spaces for the conducting of its activities in comfort and safety.

 Tenders and bids

Management of the procedures for the assignment of services related to the engineering and architecture of works, and for the acquisition of goods linked thereto, for amounts lower than those for which public procedures are required.