26 July
01 October
08 October
- Pausa Studio: Conversazioni sul fare arte oggi
- Quantum Thermodinamics meets Quantum Computation
- Pausa Studio: Conversazioni sul fare arte oggi
- Hermes Close Reader
10 October
12 October
15 October
- Letteratura al microfono - Donne di parola. Un viaggio nelle voci femminili alla radio
- Letteratura al microfono
18 October
22 October
23 October
25 October
28 October
29 October
30 October
31 October
05 November
18 November
05 December
14 January
15 January
21 January
28 January
07 February
18 February
25 February
28 February
04 March
25 March
01 April
08 April
29 April
06 May
13 May
08 June
07 October
- Finite dimensional projections of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations in spaces of probability measures and stochastic optimal control of particle systems
- Finite dimensional projections of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations in spaces of probability measures and stochastic optimal control of particle systems
08 October
- Unified correspondence as a proof-theoretic tool
- Per uno “Stato-teatro”: architettura a Roma nell’età leonina attraverso i disegni del Codice Mellon
- Unified correspondence as a proof-theoretic tool
- Per uno “Stato-teatro”: architettura a Roma nell’età leonina attraverso i disegni del Codice Mellon
09 October
15 October
- Predicting the onset, evolution, and postgraduate impact of college activism
- Predicting the onset, evolution, and postgraduate impact of college activism
17 October
06 November
- Strategic impact in advocacy and the transnational level of mobilization
- Strategic impact in advocacy and the transnational level of mobilization
07 November
- Rethinking Revolution: Lessons from Tahrir for the 21st Century
- Rethinking Revolution: Lessons from Tahrir for the 21st Century
20 November
- Promotional Culture, Advertising and the Climate Crisis: In Search of Alternatives
- Promotional Culture, Advertising and the Climate Crisis: In Search of Alternatives
27 November
- Promuovere comunità interculturali: l’impatto del community matching sulle reti, i luoghi e il contrasto al razzismo
- Promuovere comunità interculturali: l’impatto del community matching sulle reti, i luoghi e il contrasto al razzismo
12 December
- "It’s not just the Atlantic that unites us. It’s also our struggles". Transoceanic migrations, antiracist struggles and racialized violence on the Tunisian and southern Mexican borders
- "It’s not just the Atlantic that unites us. It’s also our struggles". Transoceanic migrations, antiracist struggles and racialized violence on the Tunisian and southern Mexican borders
Third Mission
The SNS's relationship with schools
The SNS was founded with the aim of preparing future school teachers. Over time, its mission has focused on training generations of scholars in the field of research, but the relationship with schools has not faded, developing different forms of collaboration and support.
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