Didattica integrativa
Modalità d'esame
Relazione di seminario
Questo corso ha un approccio sperimentale e si propone di illustrare le tecniche sperimentali e di analisi di alcune delle più attuali ricerche nel campo della Fisica delle Alte Energie, con una particolare attenzione verso gli esperimenti CMS e LHCb che stanno attualmente prendendo dati al Large Hadron Collider. Il corso è disegnato per gli studenti dottorato, ma può essere seguito anche da studenti del IV e V anno. È necessaria una conoscenza di base della fisica delle particelle, per esempio aver seguito il corso di 'Experimental High Energy Physics I'.
Programma del corso
The course consists of two modules of 20 hours each. The first (Module A) focuses on electroweak precision measurements at e+e- (LEP) and hadron colliders (LHC) at the energy frontier, while the second (Module B) covers the domain of high-precision measurements in Heavy Flavour Physics at the intensity frontier.
Module A (Prof. Ligabue, 20 hours)
Electroweak parameters, radiative corrections, pseudo-observables. Electroweak global fits and indirect constraints on quark top mass, and the mass of the Higgs boson before its discovery.
General-purpose 4-pi detector at LEP: ALEPH’s design and performances.
Precision EW measurements at LEP: lineshape and width of the Z boson, width of the Z boson decaying to invisible, number of light neutrino families, forward-backward asymmetries, and weak mixing angle determination.
Physics of the W boson at LEP2: mass determination, WW production cross-section.
General-purpose 4-pi detector at LHC: CMS’s design and performances.
Precision EW physics at LHC: Higgs discovery and properties determination; measurement of the W boson properties, and weak mixing angle determination at LHC.
Module B (Prof. Morello, 20 hours)
Introduction to the Heavy Flavour Physics within the Standard Model.
Flavour Changing Neutral Currents. The GIM mechanism.
Discrete symmetries: spatial parity, time reversal, charge conjugation. Implications of the CPT theorem and relevance of CP Violation in the Standard Model.
The CKM quark-mixing matrix and CP violation in the SM.
Neutral-meson mixing formalism and time evolution.
Classification of CP-violating manifestations and experimental observables in the charm and beauty sector: CPV in the decay, CPV in mixing, CPV in the interference between a decay with and without mixing.
Experimental environments for heavy flavour physics: B-Factories at asymmetric-energy e+e- colliders and LHCb at symmetric high energy hadron colliders.
Some of the most relevant and recent precision measurements of CKM parameters and CP-violating asymmetries in heavy flavor decays are presented, as well as searches for very rare or forbidden decays in the Standard Model.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Articoli, note, e referenze a libri di testo saranno indicate durante il corso.