Filing, Registration and Postal Service 


PEC istituzionale (ricezione messaggi inviati da indirizzo di posta certificata)
Ricezione messaggi inviati da indirizzo di posta non certificata


The service oversees the activities connected to the registration and filing of incoming and outgoing documents and the operative management of the incoming and outgoing post; it deals specifically with the following:

  • Management and registration of the movement of documents of the Normale
  • Maintenance and updating of the computer registration programme "Titulus" for the central and peripheral structures 
  • Provision of a help desk for users for the use of the functions of “Titulus” and for the management of documents, including files
  • Publication of the deeds on the official digital noticeboard
  • Management of the inventory of the measures stipulated by the Director, the General Secretary and the managers 
  • Computerised filing and inventorying of the private writings and the minutes of the collegial governing authorities
  • Co-ordination of the activities relating to the files, taking care of their return at the end of the year or their closure
  • Management of the incoming and outgoing post and co-ordination of the of sorting activities

Public opening times

Pisa site, Palazzo del Castelletto, ground floor

Opening hours to the public:

Monday-Thursday 9.30am-1.00pm; 2pm-4pm
Friday 9.30am-1pm

From 29 July to 30 August the Service will be open to the public only during the morning (9:30-13:00) from Monday to Friday.

Outside these hours, the documents to be registered can be left in the box next to the door.

Florence site, Palazzo Strozzi, fifth floor
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 10.00-15.00