studentesse in un laboratorio della Normale

Tomorrow's women scientists

In the academic year 2023/24, the Scuola Normale inaugurates a new educational experience for female students interested in the scientific disciplines (mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry). In view of the gender disparity in study and work in the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), the initiative has the goal of introducing the participants to awareness of the experience of
studying and living at the Normale, through lectures and workshops, to cultivate and promote in them a propensity and interest for the scientific disciplines, by bringing them into contact with students only slightly older than themselves and learning about their experience through dialogue with them. 

The initiative is meant for female students in the third and fourth years of the upper secondary school. Applications can be made both by the student's own school or by the student herself. Participation in the initiative will not rule out the student's possibility of being selected for the weekly summer orientation courses.

The duration of the experience will be of three days. All participants will be guaranteed lodging free of charge, and in cases of particular need,  a contribution towards their travel expenses. 
For students with disabilities, the Scuola Normale will also cover the expenses of anyone providing support or assistance.
There will be two experiences, each open to around 50 participants; they will take place with the following schedule:

  • 11-13 April
  • 22-24 April

Applications can be submitted on the dedicated website from Monday 12 th February until midnight of Sunday 10 th March.