Storia dell'arte antica - Individual and Society: Portraits in the Greek and Roman World: discussione seminariale per corso PhD

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The course is open to all PhD students and has no further prerequisites.


Portraits are always not just a reflection of one person and his or her personality but also of a society and its values. This module will explore the use of portraits in Greek and Roman society from the archaic period of Greece into Late Antiquity. Questions will include: What is a meaningful definition for ‘portrait’ in the ancient world? Who was depicted in a portrait and why? Where were portraits being displayed? What is the purpose of a portrait? How do all these parameters change over time? What do they tell us about the respective value systems, social hierarchies, the role of gender and ethnicity, in these different societies? The lectures will offer an introduction to the topic. They will be enhanced by the seminars, which serve to introduce and discuss more complex methodological issues.

Obiettivi formativi

The development of critical and methodological awareness of the current hermeneutic debate in the field of classical archaeology, particularly research on ancient portraits; development of the ability to present and critically discuss research contributions; development of the ability to effectively present the state-of-the-art of a specific question; development of the ability to present and argument with methodological soundness, intellectual creativity and independence of thought; development of the ability to present one's research findings with precision, conciseness and clarity, in written and oral form.