Connected to the world
With the free movement of students and research staff, ideas circulate and knowledge spreads: crossing borders means growth and promotion of exchange, and development. For this reason, the Normale has established, and is constantly expanding, a network of collaborations with national and international institutes and actively participates in two-way mobility programmes. Integrating students and researchers from all over the world into the SNS community and encouraging off-site experiences (in Italy or abroad) of its students and research staff is a fundamental value that is expressed in well defined objectives and policies.
Agreements with international universities for
- Exchange programmes for students
- Programmes for joint research
- Exchange programmes for research staff
Specific agreements with research laboratories
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)
- Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)
- Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF)
- Weitzmann Institute - Israel
- Tokyo University
- Aalto University – Helsinki
Over 70 destinations for student mobility including:
- École Normale Supérieure
- Université de Montréal
- University of Cambridge, UK
- Tokyo University
- New York University
- Princeton University
- University of California Los Angeles