Organizza la tua mobilità all'estero

Organize your mobility abroad

Information, procedures and contacts useful for organising your mobility.
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Information, procedures and contacts useful for organising your mobility.
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Organizza la tua mobilità all'estero

The Scuola Normale Superiore offers its undergraduate and PhD students various opportunities for mobility in Europe and world-wide for short or long stays.
This guide can aid students wishing to spend a period abroad during their study course in finding the solution that most meets their needs, starting from the type of activity that they wish to carry out during their mobility period.

Following courses and taking exams abroad

Students may undergo study periods of 2 to 12 months at European and non-European institutes of higher education to attend courses and take exams.

Thanks to a wide network of agreements stipulated with important international institutions, including within the Erasmus+ Programmes and SEMP and within the EELISA network, the Normale makes available numerous destinations, through the annual publication of mobility calls for study and research.

Students interested in a mobility at an institute of higher education with which the Normale has not yet stipulated mobility agreements can refer directly to the university in which they are interested to enquire about the possibility of registering as a Visiting Student, and apply to the Mobility Commission of their faculty for a contribution through the Servizio Segreteria Allievi (the Students' Secretary's Office) (for the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Sciences) or the Servizio Didattica e Allievi sede di Firenze (the Teaching and Students' Office Florence site) (for the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences).


Doing research abroad

Students may engage in off-site research periods at institutions or research centres in European or non-European countries. The duration of the activities may vary according to individual needs, from a minimum of 5 days to a maximum of 12 months.


Thanks to a wide network of agreements stipulated with important international institutions, including within the Erasmus+ Programmes and SEMP and within the EELISA network, the Normale makes available numerous destinations, through the annual publication of mobility calls for study and research

Students interested in engaging in research at a research centre or an institute of higher education with which the Normale has not yet stipulated mobility agreements may opt for a candidature to the Erasmus+ Traineeship Call, published twice yearly, or apply to the Mobility Commission of their faculty for a contribution through the Servizio Segreteria Allievi (the Students' Secretary's Office) (for the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Sciences) or the Servizio Didattica e Allievi sede di Firenze (the Teaching and Students' Office Florence site) (for the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences).


Activating a traineeship abroad

Students interested in engaging in a practical experience in any company, institution or organisation, whether sited in a European or a non-European country, in order to complete their curricular preparation, find their orientation, acquire specific skills or enter the world of work, can apply for the Erasmus+ Traineeship Call, published twice yearly.


The Erasmus+ Traineeship Call also enables you to complete traineeships abroad within a year of attaining your degree provided that the application is submitted by the date of the end of the course of appurtenance.

Further opportunities for traineeship are available through the Placement Service, which supports students in the organisation of curricular and non-curricular traineeships at companies, organisations and institutions in Italy and abroad.


Following an intensive language course abroad

Students have the possibility to improve their language skills by taking part in intensive foreign language courses abroad, of a minimum duration of two weeks, organised at accredited universities or language schools abroad. Each year, with a specific call, the Normale provides grants for the co-funding of the expenses incurred.


Participating in a seasonal school, a seminar or a conference abroad

Students interested in taking part in a Seasonal School, a Seminar or a Conference organised by an organisation or higher educational institute abroad can apply to the Mobility Commission of their faculty for a contribution through the Servizio Segreteria Allievi (the Students' Secretary's Office) (for the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Sciences) or the Servizio Didattica e Allievi sede di Firenze (the Teaching and Students' Office Florence site) (for the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences).


Participating in an activitypromoted by the EELISA network abroad

Students interested in taking part in an initiative organised by a higher education institute that is a partner of the Scuola Normale within the EELISA NETWORK can consult the list of activities available at the web page “EELISA Opportunities Finder” and write an e-mail to to obtain further information as to the activation and funding procedures.