Political Behaviour

Period of duration of course
Course info
Number of course hours
Number of hours of lecturers of reference

Modalità esame

Position paper


This course studies political behavior, including electoral and non-electoral participation, and the role of citizens as political actors. First, we will start by discussing normative questions around political participation: Does political participation matter? How much participation does a well-functioning democracy require? Do the voices of all citizens count the same? Second, we shall then explore the concepts of political culture and participation, its evolution, forms and levels in a comparative perspective, with a European focus. Third, we will then revise the different explanations of citizens’ behavior in representative democracy, covering the micro-, meso- and macro- levels of analysis. Finally, we will have specific sessions delving deeper into topics such as youth political engagement, the persistent gender gap in political engagement, electoral participation, protest, far right mobilization, online activism, and so on. 

Obiettivi formativi

The selection of reading materials, teaching, and discussions aim to provide students with a sound, critical perspective on the different theories and to develop the necessary skills to conduct research in political behaviour. While acknowledging the variety of factors that shape complex political processes, students should be able to analyze the behavior of political actors, patterns of mobilization and the role of citizens in contemporary democracies.