Guidelines for the recognition of spin-off and student start-up companies
What is a student spin-off or start-up company?
A spin-off company is an entrepreneurial initiative consisting of the personnel of the Scuola Normale, with the aim of enhancing the results and skills deriving from the research activity of the Scuola Normale.
A student start-up company is an initiative of students and/or former students with the aim of enhancing the studies and skills acquired during their educational course at the Scuola Normale
What are the internal reference regulations for student spin-off and start-up companies?
For companies recognised prior to 8 th November 2023, the Regulations published on 4 th October 2019 apply (pre-existing text), until the expiry of the validity of the status. After this expiry date, for these companies renewing the recognition of their status, and for all student spin-off and start-up companies recognised after November 2023, the Regulations published on 8 th November 2023 apply (prevailing text).
Who can apply for recognition?
a) professors and researchers of the Scuola Normale;
b) technical-administrative employees of the Scuola Normale;
c) holders of research contracts, research grants, and other study or research grants or collaboration contracts at the Scuola Normale of a duration of not less than twelve months;
d) undergraduate and PhD students or former undergraduate and PhD students who have completed their study course with a qualification or certification issued by the Scuola Normale.
How to apply
The application is submitted by a “representative” engaged by the proponents, enclosing a pre-prepared document called the “entrepreneurial project”, together with the other documents specified in the Regulations.
To obtain the documentation required for the application and support with its preparation, you can contact the Office by e-mail at
Who assesses the application and what is the recognition procedure?
The Office checks that the documentation is complete and prepares it so that the following bodies can express their opinion in the matters of their competence: the Commissione Ricerca estesa (the Extended Research Committee), the Commissione congiunta per il Trasferimento Tecnologico di JoTTO (the JoTTO Joint Committee for Technological Transfer) and the Academic Senate. Once the relevant opinions have been obtained, the Executive Council deliberates on the recognition.
Which services can be used by student spin-off and start-up companies?
These companies may use the logo “Spin-off o Start-up studentesca della Scuola Normale Superiore” (“Student spin-off and start-up company of the Scuola Normale Superiore”) free of charge for a period of five years.
They can also apply to access spaces, equipment and services conceded by the Scuola Normale upon the stipulation of specific agreements and agreed remuneration.
In addition, these companies may use the network of experts and consultants with whom the Scuola Normale has stipulated specific agreements for the supplying of services to student spin-off and start-up companies, including Deloitte, Polo Tecnologico di Navacchio, Eureka Venture, Scientifica Venture Lab, and other professionals in the areas of intellectual property protection and specialist training.
The companies periodically receive information regarding calls, initiatives and events for the development of business and opportunities for business collaborations.
Can the spin-off companies acquire the rights to the patents and know-how of the Normale for their business activities?
The companies can apply to the Scuola Normale for the acquisition of licences or other rights of use of the results of research, whether these are protected under industrial property titles (for example, patents) or not. To this end, special usage agreements will be drawn up, with the support of the Office.
What are the obligations of the student spin-off and start-up companies towards the Normale?
In addition to respecting the specifications of the Regulations, and in particular those referring to non-competitiveness and conflict of interest, the companies are committed to monitoring and issuing annual financial statements by the deadlines indicated in the Regulations.
How long does the recognition last?
The student spin-off and start-up companies keep their status for a period of 5 years, providing they observe the specifications of the Regulations. At the end of this period, they can apply for an extension of the recognition of their status, which will undergo a new assessment and examination.