Deterministic and Stochastic Evolution Equations
In memory of Giuseppe Da Prato
Monday 13 January 2025
Friday 17 January 2025
Aula Dini, Palazzo del Castelletto
Piermarco Cannarsa
Sandra Cerrai
Alessandra Lunardi
Lorenzo Zambotti
Photo @ Lorenzo Zambotti
Deterministic and Stochastic Evolution Equations
In memory of Giuseppe Da Prato
The conference is devoted to deterministic and stochastic partial differential equations and infinite dimensional systems, and their control, focusing on topics related to the wide research activity of Giuseppe Da Prato, that provided several links between these disciplines - like the extensive use of the semigroup approach - and opened the path to an enormous amont of research in several directions and related toapplications in many fields.
Confirmed Speakers
- Zdzislaw Brzezniak
- Francesca Bucci
- Stefano Bonaccorsi
- Robert Dalang
- Arnaud Debussche
- David Elworthy
- Hélène Frankowska
- Marco Fuhrman
- Fausto Gozzi
- Istvan Gyongy
- Mimmo Iannelli
- Nicolai Krylov
- Irena Lasiecka
- Luca Lorenzi
- Pierangelo Marcati
- Giorgio Metafune
- Annie Millet
- Diego Pallara
- Etienne Pardoux
- Enrico Priola
- Andrea Pugliese
- Abdelaziz Rhandi
- Michael Rockner
- Francesco Russo
- Daniela Sforza
- Gianmario Tessitore
- Roberto Triggiani
- Luciano Tubaro
- Mark Veraar
- Jerzy Zabczyk