Image for Silvio Pons

Silvio Pons

Full Professor

Storia contemporanea (SSD: HIST-03/A)

Wednesday 10 July 10am-11am and 2pm-4pm, or upon appointment.
Palazzo della Carovana, piano primo, stanza 9

His main field of interest is 20th-century international history with a particular focus on Communism and the Cold War.

He wrote, among others, Stalin e la guerra inevitabile 1936-1941 (Einaudi 1995, Frank Cass 2002, Routledge 2014), L'impossibile egemonia. L'URSS, il PCI e le origini della guerra fredda 1943-1948 (Carocci 1999), La rivoluzione globale. Storia del comunismo internazionale 1917-1991 (Einaudi 2012, Oxford University Press 2014), I comunisti italiani e gli altri. Visioni e legami internazionali nel mondo del Novecento (Einaudi 2021). Ha curato il Dizionario del comunismo nel XX secolo (Einaudi 2006-2007, Princeton University Press 2010). He was General Editor of the Cambridge History of Communism (Cambridge University Press 2017).

He has been a Visiting Professor at Columbia University, New York, and at the European University Institute, Florence, a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford, California, and a Visiting Fellow at the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is president of the Fondazione Gramsci, Rome.