Quantitative Finance

Period of duration of course
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Number of course hours
Number of hours of lecturers of reference
Number of hours of supplementary teaching

Modalità esame

Oral exam and seminars

Docenti di didattica integrativa


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Basic notion of probability


-- Introduction to portfolio optimization. Utility functions, Optimal portfolios, Consumption-Investment problems, Mean-variance portfolio problems

-- Stochastic Models for financial markets. Binomial models. Brownian Motion. Martingale. Stochastic Calculus, Itô's Formula. Levy processes and jump processes. Stochastic Calculus with jump processes. Stochastic Differential Equations (SDE). Kolmogorov's Equations. Feynman-Kac's theorem.

-- Evaluation of Options. Models of Cox-Ross-Rubinstein and of Black-Scholes. Risk Neutral evaluation (European Options, American Options, Exotic Options). Dynamic evaluations. Market premium and change of numeraire. Affine processes in continuous time and valuation formulae. Models of Merton and Bates.

-- Volatility. Volatility surfaces. Extensions of the Black and Scholes Formula and local volatility models. Stochastic Volatility models in continuous time. Rough Volatility models. 

-- Optimal stochastic control. Stochastic optimization problems. Solution methods: the classical PDE approach and the dynamic programming approach. Optimal switching and free boundary problems. Applications in finance.

Obiettivi formativi

The student will have the familiarity with the elements of the stochastic calculus and with the main models describing the random evolution of the financial prices. He/She will be able to compute the price of derivative options and to discuss the assumptions of the different modelling choices. The student will be able to use stochastic calculus tools to model financial assets, derivatives, and portfolios.

Riferimenti bibliografici

Notes given by the Prof.s 

Pham, Huyên. Continuous-time stochastic control and optimization with financial applications. Vol. 61. Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.

Gatheral, Jim. The volatility surface: a practitioner's guide. John Wiley & Sons, 2011.

Bayer, Christian, et al., eds. Rough volatility. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2023.


Modulo Ore CFU Docenti
Quantitative Finance 40 6 Giacomo Bormetti, Fabrizio Lillo, Giorgio Rizzini
Didattica integrativa 10 0 Giorgio Rizzini