Locri Survey

(Archaeological reconnaissance activities in the territory of ancient Locri Epizefiri)

Reception and transmission of theories on art, canons of artists and technical-artistic lexicon, between late classicism and the imperial age. A multidisciplinary approach to the Naturalis Historia (books 33-36)

  • Tradition/Transition/Revolution in the Late Archaic Period: Contexts, Artists, Styles, con Marion Meyer e Caterina Maderna, co-organizzato con Università di Vienna e l’Università di Heidelberg (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 12-14 novembre 2018)
  • Polykleitos or not Polykleitos? The Dilemma of the Prima Porta Augustus, University of California, Los Angeles, March 8, 2018 - Plinio il Vecchio e le Fonti d’Europa: eredità culturale, studi e prospettive, Bruxelles, Regione Lombardia
  • Presidency Delegation to the EU, November 20, 2018 - It is not just a question of being the best. Artistic rivalry and polemics among Greek artists as seen in the Imperial Age, Leuven, 13 dicembre 2018 (Lectio International Conference “Polemics, Rivalry and Networking in Greco-Roman Antiquity” – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 12-14 dicembre 2018).
  • Painting myths: Plutarch’s use of mythological representations and his interpretation, Lerida, 5 ottobre 2018 (XIII simposio internacional de la Sociedad Española de Plutarquistas “Iconografía y valor de los mitos en Plutarco” – Universitat de Lleida, 4-6 ottobre 2018).
  • Plutarch, Pausanias and a statue of Athena at Delphi: Art, history and reception of a famous votive offering, Rio de Janeiro, 12 luglio 2018 (International Colloquium “Statues in Roman religion” – UniRio / Museu histórico nacional, 11-13 luglio 2018).
  • Le fonti antiche sulla scultura in bronzo: problemi filologici e storico-artistici, Firenze, 24 maggio 2018 (L’arte del bronzo: aspetti teorici, tecnici e conservativi
  • Opificio delle pietre dure, 24 maggio 2018). - Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Continued. Part IV. Biography of artists, edited by G. Adornato and E. Falaschi (project in collaboration with KU Leuven)