National Centres
National Centre for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing
Main goal
The aim of the project is to create a national computing infrastructure, bringing together High Performance Computing (HPC), High Throughput Computing (HTC), Big Data and new resources procured by means of the National CentreCN funding , providing the scientific and industrial community with a flexible and uniform scientific Cloud interface.
Overall description
The National Centre on HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing (CN), provides a pivotal opportunity for the national scientific, industrial and economical system to address current and upcoming scientific and societal challenges, strengthening and expanding existing competences and infrastructural resources. The CN will be structured according to the hub and spoke model: the hub is responsible for the validation and management of the research program, whose activities are elaborated and implemented by the spokes and their affiliate institutions, as well as through open calls. The hub will also implement all activities on education and training, entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer, policy and outreach. Hub and spokes consist of Universities, Research Institutions as well as private and public operators. The proposed CN includes one cross spoke, spoke 0 “Supercomputing Cloud Infrastructure”, and 10 thematic Spokes, as shown in the Figure below.
the CN has two main purposes:
- to create a national computing infrastructure, Datalake-like, by grouping together the existing High Performance Computing (HPC), High Throughput Computing (HTC), Big Data and network infrastructures and new targeted resources procured by means of the CN funding, and by providing to the scientific and industrial communities a flexible and uniform Cloud Interface;
- to create around the infrastructure a globally attractive ecosystem which supports the academia and the industrial system, and fosters the exploitation of the computing resources and the development of new computing technologies.
Overall budget: € 319,938,979, of which € 616,000 for the Scuola Normale Superiore, distributed as follows:
- € 273,000 enhancement of SNS staff involved
- € 243,000 n. 8 PhD positions
- € 100,000 for infrastructure investment
Staff involved
Andrea Ferrara (Scientific coordinator)
Julien Roland Michel Bloino
Stefano Carniani
Simona Gallerani
Andrei Albert Mesinger
Michael Joseph Morello
Andrea Pallottini
Luigi Rolandi
Nicola Tasinato
Implementing entity (HUB)
The National Research Centre in High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing Foundation is established to pursue the goals and carry out the research programme.
The organs of the Foundation are Presidente, Consiglio di Amministrazione, Assemblea dei membri, Collegio Sindacale and Direttore.
The Scuola Normale Superiore participates in the Assemblea dei membri with the Director or his delegate.
Per il perseguimento degli obiettivi e la realizzazione del programma di ricerca è costituita la Fondazione Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High-Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing.
Gli organi della Fondazione sono: Il Presidente, il Consiglio di Amministrazione, l’Assemblea dei membri, il Collegio Sindacale e il Direttore.
La Scuola partecipa all’Assemblea dei membri con il Direttore o sua/o delegata/o.