The Councils of the Academic Structures

The Councils of the Academic Structures (Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of political-social sciences) organize the teaching and research activities of the various scientific-disciplinary areas.  They approve the study plans and the  co-ordination of the  operation and management of the courses in accordance with the teaching programme approved by the . 

The Councils of the Academic Structures (Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Political-Social Sciences) organize the teaching and research activities of the various scientific-disciplinary areas; deliberate on the study plans, on the coordination of the courses and on all the students' requests; express opinions on teaching and research activities and develop the program of teaching activities for each academic year; approve the study plans, the operational and management coordination of the courses according to the didactic program approved by the Governing Council.

They are composed by the Dean, the full professors, the aggregate professors and the agreement professors ex to art. 6 paragraph 11 of Law 240/2010, by the representatives of the researchers, of the research fellows, and of the students belonging to the structure.