Image for Alessandra Patrono

Alessandra Patrono

Personale tecnico amministrativo

050 509104

She graduated in Economics at the University of Pisa, she has collaborated in research activities in the field of Management of Innovation, in particular regarding the protection of industrial property of universities and research centres, the creation of spin-off companies as a technological transfer tool, the dynamics of creation and growth of companies operating in high-technology sectors and the organisation and performance of university technological transfer offices. She has also given training courses on the topics of intellectual property and the drawing up of business plans for innovative start-ups for researchers and technicians. She has attended various specialist courses on the topics linked to technological transfer, both in Italy and abroad.

From 2010 to 2023 she worked at the technological transfer office of a Scuola Superiore Universitaria. Since March 2023 she has been engaged in the enhancement of the knowledge and technology within the Servizio Ricerca e Trasferimento Tecnologico (the Research and Technological Transfer Service) of the Scuola Normale.