Image for Antonio Papapicco

Antonio Papapicco

Allievo del Corso di Perfezionamento/PhD



Antonio Papapicco obtained his BA (2020) and MA (2022) degree in Classics at the University of Pisa (supervisors: proff. E. Medda and L. Carrara). He was a student of the Corso Ordinario at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (2017-2022), where he is currently a PhD Student in Classics (supervisors: proff. L. Battezzato and E. Magnelli).  

His PhD project aims at proposing a new critical edition with commentary of Callimachus’ Iambi. Among the literary works of Callimachus, the Iambi have been generally less considered by scholars and still lack a complete commentary on the whole collection.  

His research interests include Hellenistic literature, Greek iambography, Greek literary papyrology and Greek metrics. He has worked on Greek literary texts on papyri (Sappho, Posidippus) and choral songs from the Attic drama (Aristophanes, Sophocles, Euripides), but he also dealt with classical reception (Shakespeare – Troilus and Cressida).