Serena Pezzini
Personale tecnico amministrativo
A PhD in Italian Studies and a specialist in Renaissance literature – with a particular focus on the literary production of women, the relationship between gender and genre, and epic poems – in 2004 she began working at a laboratory of the Scuola Normale headed by Lina Bolzoni, the CTL-Centro di Elaborazione Informatica di Testi e Immagini nella Tradizione Letteraria (Centre for the Computer Processing of Texts and Images in the Literary Tradition) which she co-ordinated from 2007 until its closure 10 years later. There she consolidated and refined her skills in the field of visual culture, and acquired those of digital humanities, EU planning, management, team management, research communication and digital communication. She was a temporary research assistant until 2013, when she was engaged by the Scuola Normale in the PTA (Administrative and Technical Personnel) as a scientific technician. After her laboratory experience, she worked for three years on the staff of the Servizio Eventi Culturali (Cultural Events Service), after which she became the head of the Communications Office, set up in March 2021.