The Computer Infrastructure Service


 The Computer Infrastructure Service manages the connection of the net infrastructure, the basic computer communication services (e-mail and web) and the computer support to the main administrative and management activities of the Scuola Normale. It manages the connection of the net infrastructure, the basic computer communication services (e-mail and web) and computer support to the main administrative and management services of the Scuola. 

Main activities

* Planning and management of the telephone and data network of the Scuola, and of the internal and external connectivity 
Contacts: Andrea Palla, Marco Robertini
* Management of the e-mail service
Contact: Lorenzo Aiani
* Management of Data Centre CED rooms and central ICT apparatus of the Scuola
* Contacts: Lorenzo Aiani, Francesco Laruina, Marco Robertini
* Planning and management of the Data Centres for the core services of the Scuola
Contacts: Lorenzo Aiani, Francesco Laruina
* Management of the computer rooms
Contact: Daniela Conforti
* Management of the computer equipment (PCs, peripheral devices, software) of the Administration and of the telephone apparatus (landline and mobile) of the Scuola Contacts: Daniela Conforti, Andrea Palla
* Management of the Help-Desk Service for the provision of technical and computer support in relation to the ICT activities
Contacts: Lorenzo Aiani, Daniela Conforti
* Planning and management of ICT safety systems and the protection of critical data of the Scuola
Contacts: Lorenzo Aiani, Federico Calzolari, Francesco Laruina, Marco Robertini