The salary management service

The service manages the salaries of permanent and temporary personnel, and of lecturers at the Scuola Normale by special agreement; the payment of external collaborators, co-co-co (personnel with co-ordinated and continuing collaboration contracts), self-employed temporary professionals, and personnel external to the Normale; the payment of students of the Normale; off-site missions and intra-university mobility

The service manages the Modulo Allocazione Costi (Cost Allocation Form) of U-Gov necessary for the accounting processes of payments processed in the CINECA-CSA form. It undertakes the management of the fiscal, national insurance and non-revenue obligations of all personnel managed, as well as the processing of fiscal balances and of Certificazioni Uniche (income tax statements). It also manages fiscal assistance for employees and the Data Bank with the MUR; it prepares the budget for salary costs; it drafts the Annual Account, Form 770 for tax return and the IRAP declaration.
It manages the pensions activities of the Scuola Normale, with the management and subsequent validation of the insurance positions of personnel in the INPS PASSWEB app.
It also deals with employees' social security contributions.In collaboration with the Organisation and Assessment Service, it prepares for the constitution of the Accessory Fund for the technical and administrative personnel, the constitution of the Fund for the personnel belonging to the EP Category, and the constitution of the Fund for the management personnel.
Regarding external personnel, it deals with all the accounting processes and with applications to the Agenzia delle Entrate (the Income Tax Authorities) for the Italian tax code and the analysis of situations of applicability of agreements for double taxation.


Management of the salaries and taxation of permanent lecturers, researchers and non-teaching staff, of temporary lecturers, researchers and non-teaching staff, and of lecturers by agreement.
Processing of fiscal balances, preparation of Certificazioni Uniche (income tax statements) and their transmission to the Agenzia delle Entrate (the Income Tax Authorities), management and application of fiscal assistance to employees with settlement of Forms 730.
Processing of the budget sheets relating to the requirements of salary costs, the Annual Account, Form 770, the IRAP declaration and the management of Data Banks with the MUR.
Management and processing of the deductions and national health contributions, revenue and non-revenue, with the subsequent processing of Form F24EP and transmission to the Agenzia delle Entrate (the Income Tax Authorities).
Management and  processing of the INAIL self-assessment and subsequent transmission to the INAIL itself.
Issuing of payment orders and receipt orders for salaries of PhD students, interns and members of the Auditors' Board and Assessment Team, and the payment of deductions and contributions.
Collaboration with the Organisation and Assessment Service and the Cultural Events and career services for the processing and subsequent transmission of the lists of the various types of personnel.

Contacts: Alessia De Gregorio, Elena Rossi and Paola Braccini

Management and processing of Form UNIEMENS and of the Monthly Analytical Report POS/PA2 and their subsequent transmission to INPS

Contacts: Alessia De Gregorio, Elena Rossi

Management of co-co-co (personnel with co-ordinated and continuing collaboration contracts) and of lecturers on contract

Management of the juridical-economic and fiscal treatment of those with co-ordinated and continuing collaboration contracts, lecturers on contract and members of the Auditors' Board.
Management of the registration of services relating to non-structured personnel.
Collaboration with the Research and Technological Transfer Service for the accounting procedures of the costs of collaborators in the related research projects.
Accounting in the U-GOV/Accounting app (applicazione U- Gov – Contabilità) of co-co-co contracts and issuing of payment orders.

Contact: Sara Iovine

Management of undergraduate and PhD students and of research fellows

Management of the juridical-economic and fiscal treatment of undergraduate and PhD students, research fellows and Tutors relating to the management of undergraduate and PhD students and Tutors in the CINECA-CSA app.
Management of the non-revenue deductions for their subsequent  insertion in Form F24EP.
Management and processing of the Monthly Analytical Report relating to the health insurance contributions of journalists.

Contact: Paola Braccini

Management of contracts and remuneration of research fellows in the U-Gov/compensi app. Collaboration with the Research and Technological Transfer Service for the accounting procedures of the costs of research fellows in the related research projects. Accounting in the U-Gov/Accounting app (applicazione U- Gov – Contabilità) and issuing of contract orders for research fellows.

Contact: Salvatore Boria

Allocation of Costs Form – U-Gov

Processes of the definition and configuration of the “items”, “groups” and “effects” for the creation of the Management Documents relating to the settlements produced in the CINECA-CSA procedure to be accounted with the CINECA form “Allocation of Costs” in the U-Gov –Accounting (U- Gov – Contabilità) procedure.

Contacts: Alessia De Gregorio, Elena Rossi

Pensions – Management of the national health insurance position of employees and severance pay

Ordinary management of pension procedures, analysis of the pension files of personnel and of the data regarding contributions transmitted with the Monthly Analytical Reports for the implementation and subsequent certification of the national health insurance position in the INPS “PASSWEB2” app.

Contacts: Adriano Maltana, Elena Rossi, Alessia De Gregorio

Missions – Intra-university mobility and regularisation of lecturers' credit cards

Management, processing and payment for off-site missions to employees and non-employees of the Normale and to external personnel with a formalised relationship with the Normale, with the subsequent issuing of payment orders.   
Regularisation of lecturers' credit cards.

Contact: Mario Marotta, Salvatore Boria

Reimbursements to students, exchange scholarships and Erasmus and Erasmus+ scholarships. Complete management of all accounting processes assigned relating to the payment of off-site contributions, exchange scholarships and Erasmus and Erasmus+ scholarships.

Contact: Sara Iovine, Alessia De Gregorio

Complete management of all accounting processes assigned for the payment of remuneration and reimbursements to lecturers external to the Scuola Normale participating in conferences and invited by the Professors of the Scuola Normale (seminar activities), National Health Service reimbursements to students, “tasse di soggiorno” (tourist tax), and reimbursements for intensive language courses.

Contact: Francesco Muchetti

Management of the accounting of autonomous temporary workers and professional collaborators, reimbursements to students and personnel external to the Scuola Normale.

Complete management of all accounting processes assigned for the payment of self-employed temporary workers and professional collaborators, payments of part-time collaborators and educational visits of students, expense reimbursements for participants in undergraduate and PhD competitions; payments and  reimbursements to lecturers of commissions for PhD theses; payments and expense reimbursements to lecturers of the university orientation courses; payments and expense reimbursements to personnel external to the Scuola Normale taking part in the competition commissions.
Management of the registration of services of non-structured personnel.

Contact: Francesco Taccini