Technical and management structure of Florence

The technical and management structure of Florence provides administrative and technical support to the research activities of the lecturing personnel and researchers of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, the COSMOS laboratory (The Centre on Social Movement Studies), and the Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Institute of Advanced Studies, during the period in which the respective Dean belongs to the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. For the Ciampi Institute, the service also carries out secretarial activities, provides support to the work of the Scientific Council and manages the invitations to  cultural activities and for visiting scholars.

Main activities

In particular, the Structure offers administrative and technical support:

  • in the acquisition of goods and services costing less than 5000€, including publications and editorial services, including through interaction with the appointed central structures
  • in the starting up of procedures for the stipulation of contracts for research grants and for individual work services
  • in support in loco for application procedures for authorisations for research in collaboration with the appointed central structures
  • in the planning of events, meetings and seminars funded with research project funds of the personnel of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, with the support of the appointed central structures
  • in the management and co-ordination of the visiting scholar flow and of invitations to cultural activities relating to the activities connected to the Ciampi Institute
  • in the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the equipment and instruments of the Cosmos laboratory and the Ciampi Institute, by checks of their correct working order and the interaction with the services in charge
  • in the management of the postal and registration services of the Florence site
  • in the management of relations with other organisations at Palazzo Strozzi, in particular regarding the use of the "l'Altana" room.