A participatory process
Through numerous meetings with the entire community of the Normale, the Scuola has embarked on a route involving the community's informed participation in the definition of the strategic aims which – based on mission, vision and shared values – constitute the Plan herein.
The Director's Office first analysed the context and state of the art of the Scuola's activities, with a scrutiny of the ample internal documentation available; it then looked into the national and international context of reference.
The participation of the community of the Normale in the definition of the strategic aims is a tool that enhances the organisation's capacity to construct, plan and hence grow. Sharing brings with it an important consequence, that of responsibility. This means that, in the planned changes, each member of the community of the Normale must contribute to the pursuance of these shared aims in full awareness.
The cycle of participation will close, as always, with the sharing of the assessment and the accounting of the results obtained with the various components of the Scuola, both academic and administrative.
Mission, vision and values
The Scuola Normale Superiore promotes culture, teaching and research in the field of the Humanities, and in those of the mathematical, natural and social sciences, exploring their interconnections.
It is a place in which scientific, technological and cultural challenges find fertile, open and stimulating ground, where the development is encouraged of the critical capacity, scientific rigour and intellectual curiosity needed in order to navigate through the complexity in which humanity is immersed, contributing to the growth and progress of the country and of Europe itself. The talent, merit and capability of its students, the high level and innovativeness of its research, and its interaction with society are the values constituting its identity.
These are the presuppositions upon which the Normale has built a community of liberal and democratic study capable of tackling in a productive and dynamic way the themes crucial to the development of a sustainable society.