Image for Arnaldo Soldani

Arnaldo Soldani

Professore su convenzione

Before each class: Thursday at 4pm, Friday at 9am (by appointment via email).
Palazzo della Carovana, piano quarto, stanza 114

Arnaldo Soldani (Verona 1965) studied in Padua under Pier Vincenzo Mengaldo. He was an assistant professor at the University of Udine and at the University of Verona, where he became associate professor and then full professor in Italian Linguistics. At the University of Verona, he coordinated the PhD in Philology and Literature and directed the Doctoral School of Humanities and, for two terms, the Department of Cultures and Civilizations. Since 2018, he has regularly taught courses in the History of the Italian Language at the University of Italian Switzerland.

He works on the history of the Italian literary language and particularly on the forms of poetry: metrics and metricology, syntax, lexicon, the forms of argumentation and narrative in verse, the voice of the subject in lyric poetry. He also devoted himself to the criteria of prosodic scansion of Italian verse and the digital filing of metrical phenomena (AMI - Archivio Metrico Italiano). The authors and areas studied are mainly Dante, Petrarch and the fourteenth-century tradition, Sannazaro and Petrarchism between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the chivalric poem of Ariosto and Tasso, the Renaissance didactic poem, and poetic language between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Pascoli, Montale and others). On these themes, the volumes Archeologia e innovazione nei «Poemi conviviali» (La Nuova Italia 1993), Attraverso l’ottava: sintassi e retorica nella «Gerusalemme Liberata» (Pacini-Fazzi 1999), La sintassi del sonetto. Petrarca e il Trecento minore (Sismel 2009), Le voci nella poesia (Carocci 2010), La poesia moderna. Dal secondo Ottocento ad oggi (with Andrea Afribo, il Mulino 2012), Il sonetto italiano. Dalle origini a oggi (with Fabio Magro, Carocci 2017).

He co-edits the scientific journals “Stilistica e metrica italiana” and “Giornale storico della letteratura italiana” and the series “In forma di parola” (Edizioni dell'Orso).

He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Ezio Franceschini – Archivio Gianfranco Contini, the Board of Directors of the Ente Nazionale Francesco Petrarca, the Gruppo Padovano di Stilistica, the Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario Foscolo, and the Center for Italian Studies at the University of Notre Dame (USA).