Programmes and agreements for studying at other institutions

Programmes and Agreements for Mobility towards other Institutions



The Scuola Normale offers to all its students and staff – teachers, researchers, and technical and administrative staff – various mobility opportunities abroad, in Europe and the whole world, for short or long periods.

Many are the destinations offered by a vast network of bilateral agreements signed with prestigious international institutions, also under the Erasmus+ Programme.

The positions described in this section are offered on an annual basis through specific calls published in the webpage “International Calls and Rankings”.

  • International Exchanges

The Scuola Normale is by its own nature an institution characterised since its foundation by a deep international vocation, following the French tradition of the “Grandes Écoles”.

The collaboration with international universities selected for their high educational standard is inspired by a principle of reciprocity and provides student exchange positions that - in addition to free access to study courses, libraries and archives – may also include board and accommodation.

The call for international exchanges is published on an annual basis and offers study and research positions financed with internal funding in many EU and extra-EU institutions.

  • Exchange Programmes in Italy

The students of the Normale can also participate in exchange programmes at other Italian universities that have signed specific agreements with the Normale. These agreements provide that students, in addition to being able to access the study courses of each institution, are hosted by the partner institutions without enrolment fees.

For more information about available destinations and how to apply for this kind of mobility, students can refer to the Student Office.

  • Erasmus+ Mobility

The Erasmus+ Programme, to which the Normale has been participating since its first editions, offers to students, faculty, researchers, and technical and administrative staff the possibility to apply for individual mobility abroad with different purposes.

Students can choose between studying and doing research in partner institutions that have signed specific Erasmus+ agreements with the Normale or activating a traineeship in a university, research centre or public and private enterprise of their own choice.

The staff of the Normale is offered an important opportunity of professional formation thanks to the possibility of having a short work experience in a higher education institution of a Programme country or in a private company (Staff Mobility for Training).

Faculty and researchers can also have a teaching experience in one of the partner institutions of the Normale, thanks to the action Staff Mobility for Teaching.

The Scuola Normale is in possession of the ECHE Charter (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education), a document allowing its participation in the various actions of the programme.

Codice Erasmus: I PISA02
Codice PIC:         999886962
OID:                     E10209036
European flag emblem and funding statement for recipients of EU funding