Migrations, movements and borders (MigraMove)
Research team
Lydia Letsch
Nicola Quondamatteo
This research group gathers scholars investigating migratory movements, migration-related issues and transnational activist networks in support of people on the move. It bridges together social movement studies, migration studies and critical border studies, to investigate social movements active in the migratory field from a theoretical and empirical perspective. It elaborates on borders as arenas of contestation and not only territorial boundaries between nation states or state-like political entities. It furthermore explores the urban dimension of borders, conceived as spaces inside cities that can (re)produce residential segregation, looking also at the solidarity networks that operate at the different borders across the world to support people on the move.
TraPoCo: The research team investigated solidarity movements in support of people on the move along the Western Balkans route, with a focus on their repertoires of contention and care practices; and explored the interplay between civil society actors and local governments in the local governance of migration. The project is financed by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union – Jean Monnet Network “Transnational Political Contention in Europe” (TraPoCo) (GA 620881). Ricercator*: Chiara Milan, Federico Alagna
PoLitig - The politics of litigation of migrant solidarity initiatives: PoLitig is a 2-year research project that looks at the politics of litigation of migrant solidarity initiatives and people on the move in the EU. In particular, the project aims to disclose and explain the conditions that favour the proactive engagement of sea rescue organisations in litigation, by considering both political opportunity structures and internal dynamics. PoLitig has a cross-country comparative approach, focused on the Italian and Spanish cases, and is based on qualitative methods. Overall, the project envisages an empirical contribution in a timely and yet relatively unexplored field, as well as a theoretical critical reflection on the interaction between political contention, judicial power and the rule of law. The project is financed by Scuola Normale Superiore. Ricercatore: Federico Alagna.
Cluster: Democracy and social movements