Artificial Intelligence And Greek Philology new instruments

Artificial intelligence and Greek philology: new instruments


  • Luigi Battezzato
    Scuola Normale Superiore
  • Creston Brooks
    Princeton University
  • Charlie Cowen-Breen
    Cambridge University
  • Johannes Haubold
    Princeton University
  • Barbara Graziosi
    Princeton University
  • Contatti

    050 509307

    June 19

    14:30        LUIGI BATTEZZATO (Scuola Normale Superiore)
    Human intelligence, artificial intelligence, and Greek philology

    14:45        CRESTON BROOKS (Princeton University)
                     CHARLIE COWEN-BREEN (Cambridge University)
    Logion: A New NLP Processing Tool for the Restoration of Premodern Greek Texts

    16:00        JOHANNES HAUBOLD (Princeton University)
    Logion and Psellos: how to tackle philological problems with the help of AI

    17:00        Coffee break

    17:30        BARBARA GRAZIOSI (Princeton University)
    Logion and the future of the premodern past: research problems, projects, and priorities

    June 20

    9:30      workshop: Psellos (first part)

    11:00    Coffee break

    11.30     workshop: Psellos (second part)

    14:30     workshop: Ancient Greek texts

    16:00     Coffee break

    16:30      workshop: Experiments and brainstorming



    Jakob Barnes (Princeton University), Desi Devaul (Princeton University), Yuecheng Li (Princeton University), Olivia May (Princeton University), Maria Giovanna Sandri (University of Oxford), Raffaele Bernini (Scuola Normale Superiore), Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo (Scuola Normale Superiore), Marco Catrambone (Scuola Normale Superiore), Leonardo De Santis (Scuola Normale Superiore), Leyla Ozbek (Scuola Normale Superiore), Antonio Papapicco (Scuola Normale Superiore)