How to use research funds
Going on a mission
What to do:
- Before leaving, fill in the mission assignment on the U-Web Missioni app.
- On return from the mission, fill in the application for reimbursement and attach the electronic expense receipts. Any paper receipts must be sent by internal post to the missions office in a closed envelope bearing the identification number (Application number) assigned by the system to the application for reimbursement.
***For the purposes of insurance, it is important that the mission on U-Web is open before the actual departure for the insurance cover to be valid***
In order to submit a report on missions within the scope of projects with external funding (such as EU or PNRR projects) the scientific connection between the mission and the project funding must be proved thus going through the various levels of auditing without any omissions.
For this purpose, the mission assignment on “U-Web Missioni” must have attached (top left key: Attachments) the following further documentation:
- for participation in a conference/meeting: attach to the mission assignment the programme of the event featuring the talk (if the programme is consultable online, it is enough to refer the link to the web site) and the abstract of the talk, with specific reference to the project (at the end of the abstract the following sentence must be inserted: "L'attività è stata svolta nell'ambito del progetto xxx dal titolo ".... codice xxx..."/The activities mentioned herein were performed in the framework of the project xxx, title ".... code xxx...".). For a participation in a meeting of the research project, you simply need to attach the agenda of the meeting.
- for scientific collaboration: attach to the mission assignment a copy of the preliminary exchange of e-mails with the host institution (contact lecturer or researcher), indicating in brief the activity to be carried out and specifying the close connection of the collaboration with the activity of the project; attach to the application for reimbursement a brief report of the activity carried out, with specific reference to the project (at the end of the abstract the following sentence must be inserted : "L'attività è stata svolta nell'ambito del progetto xxx dal titolo ".... codice xxx..."/The activities mentioned herein were performed in the framework of the project xxx, title ".... code xxx...").
- for library/archive research or field research: attach to the application for reimbursement a brief report of the objectives attained in relation to the activities to be carried out in the project (we suggest the insertion at the end of the report of the following sentence: "L'attività è stata svolta nell'ambito del progetto xxx dal titolo ".... codice xxx..."/The activities mentioned herein were performed in the framework of the project xxx, title ".... code xxx...").
***In the impossibility of providing the documentation specified in the points above, the cost of the mission will be borne using non-accountable funds (overheads), if available. Hence the Servizio Ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico (Research and Technological Transfer Office) should be contacted in this case***
Missions by PhD students: PhD students may obtain authorisation to carry out off-site missions supported by research funds. If the holder of the funds is not the supervisor, the latter must be in agreement; in this case only, the student is required to attach to the reimbursement application a copy of the exchange of e-mails with the supervisor prior to the mission.
Regulation reference:
Regolamento missioni (Mission Regulations)
Who to refer to for any doubts:
For information as to the reimbursement rules, email to
For information as to the use of the funds and the reporting of expenses, email to or
Applying for reimbursement of a purchase
Reimbursement is an extraordinary procedure which makes an exception to the ordinary purchase methods and must be carried out, in accordance with the regulations, only for unforeseeable needs and for which payment in cash or by credit card is urgent or constitutes the only means of payment and after administrative authorization
What to do:
- First request the authorization to proceed with the direct purchase, by sending the appropriate completed form to our ECONOMO (
- Only subsequent to authorisation, fill in on the Ser.Se app ( the reimbursement application, complete with an electronic receipt of purchase and the authorisation. If the receipt is on paper, it must be sent by internal post to the Servizio Bilancio e Contabilità (Budget and Accountancy Office) in a sealed envelope displaying the identification number assigned by Ser.Se on application for reimbursement.
***The maximum limit for each purchase is 999 euros, VAT included***
Regulation reference:
Regolamento gestione fondo economale (Treasury Fund Management Regulations)
The purchasing of goods or services (not publishing services)
Fill in the purchase application on the STG FORM attaching the cost estimate(s) and indicating the funds to be used for the purchase.
For indications and support, consult the reference STG.
Regulation reference:
Regolamento delle attività negoziali (Regulations for negotiation activities)
The purchasing of publishing services*
Add the publication to the Institutional Repository IRIS, ensuring that all necessary procedures are completed and the final product is submitted.
Remaining within IRIS, make a funding request by clicking on the left-hand vertical menu "Products" > "Publishing services" > "Request" > "New Request" (top left) and fill in the necessary fields, attaching the economic offer or invoice. Please refer to the user guide if needed.
Regulation reference:
Regolamento delle attività negoziali (Regulations for negotiation activities)
* If the author has paid expenses in advance that could be reimbursed (exception to standard procurement processes), before following the outlined procedure you must obtain an advance authorization from the treasurer, as described in the section "Applying for reimbursement of a purchase"
The hiring of personnel on contract
For indications and support for applications for the activation and renewal of Research contracts and research grants, the activation of term-contracts (, occasional provision of services (prestazioni occasionali) or professional collaborations (freelance professionals with an individual VAT number), apply to the Servizio Personale a contratto (Office for Personnel on contract) or email
Forms for applications for the activation for personnel on contract are downloadable on the web page Modulistica generale, section “Modulistica per docenti, ricercatori e ricercatrici”.
***Research grants can only be activated (currently in a state of deferment) until 31st December 2023, only if planned by the SNS authorities by the end of July 2023***
Inviting scholars from other institutions
for indications and support for applications to invite Italian or non-Italian qualified scholars, apply to the
Servizio Attività didattiche (Teaching Activities Office) or email
Organising meetings and workshop
For indications and support for applications for the organisation of meetings, study days or workshops at the Pisa site, apply to the Servizio Eventi culturali e career services (Cultural events and carreer services Office) or email; In the case of events sited in Florence, apply to the Servizio Eventi e gestione del Polo (Events and Management Service of the Polo).
The Servizio Ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico (Research and Technological Transfer Office) will only provide specific indications for compliance with the research fund regulations.
Presenting a proposal in response to a competition call
The Servizio Ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico (Research and Technological Transfer Office) supports any members of staff (lecturers, researchers, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students: in short, the proponents) who intend to submit an application for funding to a third party, whether public or private, Italian or non-Italian, for the carrying out of a research project.
For proposals in response to call Horizon Europe ERC o MSCA, and other types of calls contact the Servizio Ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico, providing any information – however provisional – relating to the project, by filling these forms.
The information provided is processed by the Research Service and submitted for assessment to the authorities of the SNS (the Commission for Research and, if necessary, the Faculty of reference), who will also verify its correspondence to the directions and lines of development of the SNS.
Regulation reference:
Regolamento ricerca (Research regulations), art. 6
For the construction of the project budget, the costs of research personnel are available among the Documenti e moduli del servizio stipendi (Documents and forms – Salary Management Office), searching – in the salary tables classified as “previous regime” (D.P.R. No. 232/2011) or “new regime” (Law 240/2010) – for the annual cost on the basis of:
- Type of contract (full professor, associate professor, researcher under contract)
- Full or part time contract
- contract level (in Italian: classe triennale di inquadramento)
For any queries, please contact the Servizio Ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico (Research and Technological Transfer Office) or email