Umberto Zannier
Full Professor
Geometria (SSD: MATH-02/B)
- 1976/80 - Student, University of Pisa and Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.
- 1980/83 - Perfezionando, Scuola Normale Superiore (and Teaching Assistant, Un. Illinois).
Then Ricercatore (Padova 1983/1987), Associate Professor of Algebra (Salerno 1987/1991),
Full Professor of Geometry (Venice 1991/2003).
- Since 2004: Full Professor of Geometry (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
2004 - Elected member (non-resident) of the Academy Ist. Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti.
2005 - Prize: Medal for Mathematics of the Italian National Academy of Sciences.
2006 - Elected (corresponding) member of Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
2011 - Recipient of European Advanced Grant “Diophantine Problems” (5 years).
2012 - Elected member of “Academia Europaea”.
2023 - Prize Frontiers of Science Award, BIMSA - Beijing (awarded jointly with David Masser).
Invitation to several special lectures and lecture-series (see below).
2003 - Plenary lecture at biennial Number Theory meeting Journ´ees Arithm´etiques.
2004 - Invited Lecture at ‘Fourth European Congress of Mathematics’, Stockholm.
2012 - Plenary lecture at the biennial Number Theory meeting “CNTA XII”, (Canada).
2013 - Plenary lecture at the biennial Number Theory meeting Journées Arithmétiques.
2013 - Plenary lecture at the joint Austrian-German Math. Societies meeting (Innsbruck).
2014 - Invited Section Lecture (Number Theory) at the ICM in Seoul.
2018 - PIMS Distinghished Colloquium Lecture, Univ. British Columbia, Vancouver.
2020 - Shafarevic Seminar, Moscow, online talk.
2021 - Plenary lecture at ‘Eight European Congress of Mathematics’.
2023 - AMSS Distiguished Lecture, Beijing.
Lecture series
2008 - “Nachdiploma Course” ETH (then shifted for personal reasons to a course in 2009).
2010 - The Hermann Weyl Lectures, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (May 2010).
2013 - Lecture series at ‘Midrasha School’, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies.
2016 - The Ritt Lectures (Columbia University, New York, May 3–4).
2016 - Lecture Series at Alpbach Summer School (with P. Scholze and S. Zhang).
2017 - Distinguished Lecture Series at the Fields Institute - Toronto (Feb. 2017).
2017 - Minerva Lecture Series, Princeton University, November 2017.
JOURNALS Ed. Board include
- Acta Arithmetica
- Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Cl. Sci. (Director since 2012)
- International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN)
- Journal of the European Math. Society (JEMS), 2010-2020, Monatshefte fuer Mathematik (MOFM)
- Rendiconti Matematici dell’Accademia dei Lincei, RML
- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Univ. Padova
Edited volumes
- Analytic Number Theory (Proc. of Amalfi Conference 1989)
- Diophantine Approximation (Proc. of Cetraro CIME Conf. 2000, Springer)
- Diophantine Geometry (Proc. of Pisa Conf., 2003, SNS)
- Colloquia De Giorgi (Pisa, 2006/2012, 5 short volumes, SNS)
- On some applications of Diophantine approximations, Ed. Norm., Pisa, 2014, 160 pages. (Translation by C. Fuchs from the German of Siegel’s original 1929 paper on dioph. approx., with a commentary and an article Integral points on curves: Siegel’s theorem after Siegel’s proof by theEditors.)
Author of over 220 published research papers. An updated list of publications appears in MathSciNet.
- Some Applications of Diophantine Approximation to Diophantine Equation (Udine Forum, 2002), 60 pages
- Lecture Notes on Diophantine Analysys (Edizioni della Normale, 2005, repr. 2014), 200 pages
- Some problems of Unlikely Intersections in Arithmetic and Geometry, Annals of Math. Studies, n. 181, Princeton Univ. Press, 2012. 160 pages
- Lecture Notes on the Elementary Theory of Valuations (with R. Scognamillo, Ed. della Normale). 120 pages.
- Applications of Diophantine Approximation to Integral Points and Transcendence (with P. Corvaja), Cambridge Tract 212, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2018, 198 pages.
Contributed to mathematical non-technical articles, e.g. for “Le Matematiche” (Einaudi, 2008), ”Terzo Millennio” (Treccani) and “Mathematics and Culture in Europe (Manaresi Ed., Springer Verlag).