Guide for international guests

This guide aims to give suggestions and details regarding the necessary minimum requirements for foreign guests to comply with the Italian regulations during their stay and studies in Italy.
Glossary and Acronyms
- AA4/8 form => the needed form to request to be assigned a codice fiscale (CF), the Italian tax identification number, or update your tax domicile (if you are nor registered to the Anagrafe). Follow the link to download an English (or other languages) version along with the relevant instructions.
- AdE - Agenzia delle Entrate => The Revenue Agency which releases the Italian Tax Code (CF) and updates the tax domicile, linked to the health one to which the SSN registration refers and delivers health card (tessera sanitaria aka TS).

- Anagrafe (ufficio) => the local City Registry Office: links to the PIsa and Firenze Anagrafe's websites where you find updated contacts and other information.
- ANPR - Anagrafe Nazionale della Popolazione Residente => National Registry of Resident People with its web portal through which, if registered to the local Municipal Anagrafe Office, you can download useful certifications (such as residency, family status, ...). To access the services, you need to have SPID or CIE.
- Azienda USL - Unità Sanitaria Locale => Local (Public) Healthcare Authority (Unit): in Pisa it is called USL Toscana Nord Ovest, in Florence USL Toscana Centro.

- CC - Conto Corrente => Bank Account
- CF - Codice Fiscale => Italian tax identification number (or code): besides the certificate of attribution, you can see it (and show when requested) on the CF attribution certificate or in the CF badge (see examples here below) or on your Tessera Sanitaria (TS), if you are registered to the SSN/R. Please note that it may happens that filling an online form you see your CF automatically calculated (it's a function of your unique anagraphic data), but it doesn't mean that you received it: to get your CF see the instructions at the CF section below.

- CIE - Carta d'Identità Elettronica => Electronic Identity Card delivered by the local Municipal Authority only after registering your Residence at the City Hall Anagrafe Office. It can also be used to log in and access your personal account of Public Authorities WebPortals: you can do it with an hardware card reader pc device or an NFC-enabled Smartphone or Tablet, but the easiest way is using the CieID mobile app which allows you to be identified with a password (given with the CIE) by scanning a QR code.

- CLA Centro Linguistico di Ateneo - University of Firenze Language Center.
- CLI Centro Linguistico (Interdipartimentale) - University of Pisa Language Center.
- CNS Carta Nazionale dei Servizi => National Services Card, is the activated last version of Tessera Sanitaria (TS-CNS if you hold one, see after) which is a smart card also working to access to Public Administration online services, as you do with the SPID or CIE (see the example below). To activate it, you can apply to mostly any pharmacy in Tuscany and to use it you need a special HW named smart card reader.
- DIS-COLL - indennità di DISoccupazione per i COLLaboratori => is a monthly unemployment benefit for fixed-term contract workers awarded on-demand by the Italian National Social Security Institute covering also unemployed PhD students applying for it soon after the end of their study cycle.
- Domicilio vs residenza => domicilio is the place you are living at in Italy, your domicile address. To get residenza (and its certification) you need to officially register at the City Council Anagrafe Office. Only foreign citizens registered as resident can get an Italian Id Document (CIE), needed to get the SPID and useful to access your personal account of Public Authorities WebPortals.
- DSU - Azienda per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario => Public Body providing student services at a local and/or Regional level. Regional tax to be paid once a year.
- EHIC - European Health Insurance Card => usually it’s on the rear face of a European national health card; In Italy it is named TEAM - Tessera Europea di Assicurazione Malattia and it may have other names in languages either than Italian or English: see this page for possible aspects and names of other nationalities versions.

- Estratto Conto Contributivo/Previdenziale => The Contribution Account Statement is the document that lists the contributions registered in INPS in favor of the worker (or PhD with scholarship) deriving from work (or scholarship). It can be checked and downloaded from your INPS account (click the button utilizza lo strumento within the linked INPS website page).
- F24 modello semplificato is the needed form through which since 2024 every payment for the voluntary registration to the Italian NHS (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale or SSN) must be done.
- GP - General Practitioner (doctor) => in Italian medico di famiglia or di base or di medicina generale.
- Green Pass (GP) – EU Digital COVID Certificate => is a digital proof that a person has either been vaccinated or received a negative test result or recovered from COVID-19 (base GP) or is only one of the first two (vaccinated or recovered) for the reinforced GP AKA super GP.

- GUI - Graphic User Interface
- IBAN - International Bank Account Number
- ICAO photo format is an international standard with specifics for identity documents' photos (see also the ICAO passport photographs guidelines).
- Idoneità abitativa => Housing suitability: it is a certification required in the application of a residence permit for research (job), family cohesion or rejoining and long-term residents. The certificate is usually released by the Municipality's ufficio tecnico.
- INPS - Istituto Nazionale Previdenza Sociale => NSSI National Social Security Institute. It's the Institution to which PhD and research contractors need to register with gestione separata, which manages the unemployment benefits and deliveres ISEE certifications.
- IRPEF - Imposta Reddito PErsone Fisiche => it's the main personal income tax.
- ISEE - Indicatore Situazione Economica Equivalente => Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator a certification (free of charge) of a family or an individual delivered by INPS, usually requested by a patronage, but also online through the INPS website.
- MAECI - Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale => Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. This is a useful Entry into Italy FAQ from MAECI.
- NO - Nulla Osta => Clearance, non impediment certification, permission.
- PagoPA - National platform that allows you to pay taxes, duties or fees to the Public Administration like SNS (English info page).
- PdS - Permesso di Soggiorno => Residence Permit , also named by the Immigration Offices PSE - Permesso di Soggiorno Elettronico
- PEC - Posta Elettronica Certificata => Registered Electronic Mail (REM), meaning both the special email address and the single email with certified delivery.
- PIN - Personal Identification Number, such as the one for your mobile SIM or the needed one to access your INPS account online (only for foreign citizens not registered to Italian Anagrafe).
- SSN (or SSR or SST) - Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (or Regionale or Toscano) => NHS (Italian) National Health Service - grants free access to public medical treatments.
- SPID - Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale => Public Digital Identity System to access online services of the Public Administration. You can get it only with an Italian Id Document.
- SUI - Sportello Unico per l'Immigrazione => the Immigration desk office of Prefettura (in each Italian Province) with territorial jurisdiction for Nulla Osta release for working or family rejoining.
- TEAM - Italian Tessera Europea di Assicurazione Malattia => Italian version (name) of the EHIC - European Health Insurance Card . It's on the back side of Tessera Sanitaria and reports the card number on the left bottom line. If it is not valid, has empty fields (starred ***, see Health Insurance section below).

- TS - Tessera Sanitaria => (Italian) Health Card; it contains also the Italian tax identification code (CF). The most recent versions (see picture hereafter) are delivered with NFC technology and a microchip containing personal identity data and an authentication digital certificate allowing the access to the Public Administration online services. As you can read on it, it has so become a TS-CNS, that is Tessera Sanitaria - Carta Nazionale (or Regionale) dei Servizi.

- UI - Ufficio Immigrazione => the Immigration Office of Questura (the seat of Police in each Italian Province) with territorial jurisdiction PdS release.
- USL - Unità Sanitaria Locale => Local Healthcare Authority (Unit): in Tuscany is called Azienda USL (see above), while in other regions is called ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale).
- Visto per l'Italia => entry VISA for Italy: read more about it here.
Codice Fiscale - CF
Is your Italian tax code which is most often asked in Italy for any bureaucratic procedures. Being a function of your anagraphic data, it is unique and lifelong lasting: it never expires. Please note that it may happens that filling an online form you see your CF automatically calculated, but it doesn't mean that you were assigned it.
You could ask for and get it abroad from the Italian consular authority in your Country of residence: some of them have the procedure described in their website (see London's one).
In Italy it is mostly delivered and managed by any Revenue Agency, that is Agenzia delle Entrate (aka AdE). The nearest seats to the SNS' ones are located in:
- PISA: Galleria Giovan Battista Gerace nn. 7/15 (contacts details)
- FIRENZE: via Santa Caterina d’Alessandria n. 23 (contacts details)
To access the AdE office you need to book an appointment by phone (see contact details) or through this page (mostly in Italian) with the following procedure:
- choose Assistenza fiscale and Identificativi fiscali... then click on Prenota; you can also try Webticket valido per oggi to book for today, but it's nearly always not available
- choose Per te stesso (for yourself) checking Prima richiesta di attribuzione ... (if you are there to receive your CF, otherwise write your CF below), then Ho letto l'informativa and lastly click on Avanti
- fill in your family, given names and email address then click on Avanti
- start writing Pisa or Firenze and choose it from the drop down list
- when the boxes in the first line of the proper UFFICIO TERRITORIALE appears, you can:
- in the left one (Ufficio) the address and link to GoogleMap position
- use the 2nd box (Prenota prima data...) to see in its 1st line (In presenza) the 1st available date: click on the link to choose among the available dates and hours then write Attribuzione CF in the field Motivo di richiesta...; click on Avanti and you will be able to download a booking receipt with number and time of the appointment.
To be issued your CF you will need:
- Id document: an identification document for EU citizens or passport with VISA or PdS (or the request receipt) for non EU citizens
- Letter stating your position at the SNS (issued by the Students Offices)
In the office, after waiting for your booking number in the electronic queue, you will fill out a form (AA4/8, see the glossary item above) and receive a CF attribution certificate (see an example in the CF glossary item) containing your Codice Fiscale. Remember to always ask for a badge too: it will be delivered in about 20 days at the address you wrote in PART C of the form. You can also go there with a digitally filled and then printed version: you can download in English or other languages from the AdE website where you also find the relevant instructions.
Very important for non EU Students: you can also ask and receive your codice fiscale at the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your country when getting your Visa avoiding the process in Italy.
Italian mobile phone number
It is highly recommended that you buy an Italian phone card choosing among the main phone service providers (you will need your Codice Fiscale in order to proceed): https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operatori_di_telefonia_mobile_in_Italia
This will be very helpful, since:
- frequently you will be required to mention your phone number in different forms
- some Italian authorities prefer contacting you through phone calls or SMSs
- N.B. Extra-EU citizens might need an Italian phone number for communications regarding the issue of their residence permit
Please do not forget to update your telephone number in all SNS records (Ser.Se. etc.).
PhD and Post Doc grants are subject to social security contributions. Contributions paid by the Scuola are not automatically connected to your profile, so it is important for you to register at INPS (Istituto Nazionale per la Previdenza Sociale, the National Social Security Institute) under the category Gestione Separata.
This is a very important requirement which should be dealt with, so that the contributions will be useful for your future retirement allowance (even if you are not in Italy anymore).
In the first step of the INPS registration process, you will receive two parts of a PIN code: one printed in paper and the second via SMS or via email. You will have to use them together the first time you access your account (see below the GUI) using as User your CF. Once entered, you will be given (not choose) a new password: remember to note and save it (take a snapshot); a new password will be authomatically given accessing again after N months.
Possibly, the INPS Officer or phone operator, will tell you that you can access with SPID: answer that, being a foreign citizen not resident in Italy, you have no Italian Id document (such as CIE) to get the SPID and have the right to receive the PIN (as written in the snapshot above). Note: even if you had it, the residence permit isn't valid to get the SPID! Currently, you can access INPS offices without an appointment only to get your PIN (also if you lost it).
Registering at INPS: in-person Procedure
To access the INPS offices for other purpose than getting your PIN, you must book an appointment by calling the INPS Contact Centre (find below the numbers with many languages operators, but often busy) or using the INPS Mobile App.

After having installed the latter, please proceed as follows:
- Select - Prenota un appuntamento in sede
- Select - Avanti (you can choose between English or German interface)
- Select - Ricerca sede
- Select - Toscana in Regione and select your Provincia, Comune (Firenze or Pisa) and Sede (seat)
- Select - Accedi alla sede
- Select - Prenota
- Select - Avanti
- Select - Conto assicurativo-pensioni-prestazioni pubbliche ...
- Enter your CF and book your appointment choosing a green date/time
Going to the INPS office:
PISA: Piazza Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi 17
You will need:
- valid Id document (Id card or passport)
- codice fiscale
- extra-EU nationals: valid residence permit or post-office receipt for its issue or renewal
Upon receiving your PIN, ask the INPS employee to help you with your Iscrizione alla Gestione Separata as parasubordinato PhD student with a scholarship ( Dottorando con borsa ) or research fellow ( Assegnista di ricerca ).
Having access to your account, you can also register yourself online to the gestione separata:
- search in the INPS website (Cerca) iscrizione alla gestione separata and among the results choose Iscrizione dei lavoratori parasubordinati alla Gestione Separata (Servizio), then click on utilizza il servizio under Rivolto a Cittadini and login.
- register yourself (Me stesso) choosing the above mentioned options (parasubordinato and dottorand
o con borsa or assegnista di ricerca), adding your contact data and the beginning of your new SNS position. - At the end you should be able to download a receipt (ricevuta di protocollo see example below) confirming the registration.
INPS Contact Centre help line: 803164 toll-free number for landline calls - 06-164164 only mobile phones, telephone charges applied by your service provider: it provides information in various languages including English, French, German, Spanish and Arabic.
INPS’ DIS-COLL: Unemployment cash benefit for ex PhD Students and PostDocs
You can apply for DIS-COLL from 8 to 68 days after the end of your scholarship or research contract (only if you remain in Italy and have no other income!):
- Online from the INPS website (having registered to Gestione separata) here
- Through a “Patronato/CAF”: click for a list of these in Pisa or Florence
Within 15 days after applying, you must go to the local Unemployment Centre ( Centro per l'impiego ) and stipulate an agreement concerning your unemployment status called Patto di servizio personalizzato (or Patto per il lavoro ).
The DIS-COLL contribution amounts to about 75% of the scholarship and it can be paid for a maximum of 12 months after the end of the last month of scholarship. Please read the general information from the INPS and EU websites; detailed information is available only in Italian on the INPS site.
Health Insurance
As a general rule, extra-EU nationals owning a valid residence permit (PdS), or once they have applied for it, are entitled to register at the Italian National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN).
Also EU nationals not currently covered by any other EU country's NHS (and able to proof it with the foreseen form released by their country's NHS) can register to the Italian SSN.
Once registered, the foreign citizens receive the same treatment as the Italian ones; they must choose a General Practitioner from the list of available family Doctors of their city and receive the Tessera Sanitaria (TS), the Italian NHS badge, used also to show the Italian tax code (CF); see the official TS guide.
Foreign Students and PostDocs with a contract and income not subjected to IRPEF tax (such as assegno di ricerca) can apply for Iscrizione volontaria (voluntary registration) paying a contribution fee. This refers to each calendar year (1st January – 31st December), cannot be split up and it is not retroactive. Please note that your health coverage will start from the registration date (not from the date of the payment!). Please note that, according to the current law (since 2011), foreign citizens (EU included) voluntarily registered at the Italian SSN do not get a valid TEAM (fields are starred): please read and see example in the bottom of the section below.
Other foreign workers categories with IRPEF paid contracts (such as employees, CoCoCo, ...) and non EU owners of long term, temporary protection or waiting/searching for a job residence permits (PdS) have the right to apply for Iscrizione obbligatoria (mandatory registration - free of charge). This generally refers to the work contract period, but for non EU citizen is limited by the residence permit (PdS) expiration date; for those waiting for PdS delivery or renewal, it should last at most 6 months.
EU citizens covered in another EU country's NHS, should evaluate (better before coming to Italy) with their NHS the possibility and conditions for either:
- temporarily moving their health cover to Italy: please start reading this official EU dedicated webpage and search for the needed form to get from your home country NHS
- keeping and using their country's EHIC in Italy: please always verify also with your NHS country if a form is needed and how works your EHIC here
The SSN voluntary registration payment, since 2024, must be done through a Modello F24 semplificato:
- having an Italian bank account, you could possibly pay it with your home banking (usually free of extra charge) and download the Quietanza PDF receipt (see example in the last 2 pages of this AdE doc)
- otherwise, you can pay it at any Post Office (also when applying for the Residence permit) bringing a filled and printed F24 form
To get a printable filled PDF version, you can use this editable Modello F24 semplificato online . Follow the example (in the Document section of this page) editing it with the following information and costs:
- codice tributo 8846
- codice Regione 17 (Tuscany)
- anno di riferimento: currently 2024
- due yearly amount:
- student without revenue => 700€
- student without revenue and with family to support => 2.000€
- postdoc (assegnisti di ricerca with or without family to support) or student with revenue => minimum 2.000€ and in function of their previous year's income
After paying the due contribution, the voluntary registration at the SSR-N must be requested in person at the proper USL desk or by sending an email to these addresses:
- Pisa - sportellipisa@uslnordovest.toscana.it - USL Toscana Nord Ovest - ( info)
- Firenze - iscrizionivolontarie.firenze@uslcentro.toscana.it - USL Toscana Centro - (info: extra EU student / researcher - EU student / researcher); send a single PDF file with all the needed docs
and attaching copies of the following documents:
- passport
- the receipt of the SSR-N payment
- a letter stating your position at SNS: for the students it is issued by the SNS Students Office in Pisa (certification online request form) or Florence (write to didattica.firenze@sns.it)
- Pisa: the 2 filled out and signed forms Modello 1 Iscrizione e scelta medico and Modello 6 Scheda statistica ministeriale (updated)
- Florence: the filled out and signed form Modello Iscrizione, scelta medico e scheda statistica ministeriale
- for non EU citizens only: residence permit (PdS) or the post office shipping receipts showing that your application for the issue or renewal of your PdS has been sent
When registering, you will be asked to choose a GP - General Practitioner (medico di famiglia / base / medicina generale in Italian), but you might not be able to check the list of the available ones yet.
You are advised to contact our offices or, better, some colleagues/friends for a temporary choice.
Once you have received the SSN health card, you will be able to change your GP choice:
- by email writing to:
- Firenze: anagrafesanitaria.firenze@uslcentro.toscana.it attaching the filled form and copies of your Tessera Sanitaria and of your id document
- Pisa: cambiomedico@uslnordovest.toscana.it attaching the filled form (the same MODELLO 1 for registering) and your id document
- online, if got your SPID (Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale/ Public Digital Identity System), at the section Cambio medico in the OPEN-Toscana/Servizi web portal
- only for Pisa (USL Toscana NordOvest) filling this online form
- with the app Toscana Salute : you’ll need to have your SPID or your Tessera Sanitaria activated
- at any PuntoSI spot: you’ll need to have your Tessera Sanitaria activated
Once registered, you receive the Tessera Sanitaria. On its back side, Italian citizens (and foreign ones mandatory registered at the SSN) may find the TEAM (Tessera Europea di Assicurazione Malattia, see in glossary above) which allows the owners to get medically necessary (hence not only urgent) care while staying in an EU State plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland for a temporary stay. Please note: according to the current law (since 2011), foreign citizens (EU included) voluntarily registered at the Italian SSN do not get a valid TEAM (fields are starred, see example below).
DSU (Students only)
All the non Italian PhD enrolled students have to pay a regional tax to the DSU and submit the receipt to Segreteria Studenti by January 31st of each year to get refunded. Please find here the direct link to the payment: choose ARDSU Toscana (1st line) and then (08) Tassa regionale DSU
Becoming residente in Italy: registering at the Anagrafe
If you want or need to be signed at the Registry Office of the Italian city in which you moved, you must apply with a Dichiarazione di residenza.
The latter term residenza is often used or confused with domicilio, even in most of the application forms (not only for the immigration procedures).
Please follow the link for a well done FAQs list from an official ministrerial website.
Below you find the links to the pages and main seats and email addresses of Pisa and Firenze Anagrafe Offices:
- Pisa Via Cesare Battisti 51 cambiresidenza@comune.pisa.it
- Firenze Via Francesco Baracca 150/p immigr@comune.fi.it
SPID: Sistema Pubblico di Identità Digitale
With the SPID ( Public Digital Identity System ), you can access the online services of the Public Administration with your unique personal credentials (username and password).
You can use SPID from any device: computers, tablets and smartphones, whenever, on a site or app of services, you find the button [Enter with SPID].
You can obtain your SPID only with a valid Italian Identity Card, which you can get only being officially resident, that means being registered in the Municipal Anagrafe; you also need a valid Tessera Sanitaria , an email address and an Italian mobile number; once obtained, the SPID is usually free of charge.
If you, being or having been resident, hold a Carta d'Identità , you could start applying for your SPID from the How to activate SPID page and follow the instructions for the chosen Identity Provider or Public Administration authorized to release SPID. Please note that obtaining the SPID can have a variable cost with different providers. Please note that, if yours is a Carta d'Identità Elettronica (AKA CIE) you can also use it to access your Public Administration online accounts (like with and beside the SPID).
Covid-19 Provisions info
From September 1st 2021 to June 1st 2022, access to SNS buildings (as well as to public offices, means of transportation, restaurants, museums, sports and cultural events, and so on) was only allowed to people with a valid EU Digital COVID Certificate, the so-called Green Pass (GP). The latter is a digital proof that a person has either been vaccinated or obtained a negative test result or recovered from COVID-19. Currently, Green Pass is not required to access any SNS building or public office, place or mean of transportation!
For further and updated information on this matter, please visit the dedicated EU Digital COVID Certificate page which also contains an updated list and related interactive map of all the EU and non EU countries whose vaccination certificate's QR code is readable from the national dedicated Apps.
In Italy, the VerificaC19 freely downloadable app is used to check valid green pass owners. It acts as a green (or red) traffic light stating if your GP is valid (or not valid) in Italy only or in all EU nations and returning only your name and birth date. If you have doubts about the validity of your GP you can download the app and check it yourself.
If your extra EU Country doesn't belong (yet) to the list of the ones whose COVID certificates are recognised under the same conditions as the EU Digital COVID Certificate (currently 18 as you can read in the above linked EU page), you could have in any case received one of the vaccines valid in Italy:If this is the case, you can ask for the conversion of your vaccination certificate into a Green Pass:
- in Pisa you can fill out this form online of USL Toscana NordOvest uploading at least your passport and your vaccination certificate
- In Florence you can apply to the nearest USL Toscana Centro Office: Presidio di Santa Rosa, Casa della Salute Morgagni, Presidio D'Annunzio
If you were vaccinated with a vaccine not valid in Italy you can get here a vaccination at the following conditions:
- if you received your second dose from at least 28 and within 180 days, you can get a third dose obtainig an integrated valid vaccination
- if you received your second dose more than 180 days ago, or got only one or none, you can get a full vaccination cycle in Italy
Usuful Covid-19 link
- booking vaccination page in Tuscany, related tutorial with English subtitles and vaccination consent form in English
- multi-language info page of Tuscany Region
- multi language EU info page on EU Digital COVID Certificate with the interactive map of the EU and not EU Countries who joined it and related national sites links
Permesso di Soggiorno - PdS, Residence Permit
This important document certifies your regular position in Italy and allows you to travel within the Schengen area: remember to always have it with you (also in copy)!
Please note that it is not a residency certificate.
How do I get a residence permit? First ask for a postal kit either at a central post office in Pisa or Florence or at the SNS (Internationalisation Office in Pisa or Servizio Eventi e Gestione del Polo in Florence) and then:
- fill out the application form (mod. 209 modulo 1: see the example guide for detailed instructions) and gather all the necessary documents
- take the envelope with the documents and the application form to the Post Office in order to send it to the Immigration Office at the Questura of Pisa or Florence
The post office will give you a shipping receipt. Please store it carefully, since this document shows that you are waiting for your new residence permit. The issuing of the residence permit could take many months and, meanwhile, the receipt is your only valid residence document in Italy and proves that you have applied and paid for the residence permit.
1. Postal kit
The postal kit must be sent within 8 working days after your arrival to Italy. When going to the post office, please remember to take with you:
- filled out application form (mod. 1); for detailed instructions, see the sample filled out form with instructions published in the Visa and Residence Permit SNS Guide
- a letter stating in Italian your position at the SNS issued by the SNS Students Office in Pisa (certification online request form) or Florence (write to didattica.firenze@sns.it)
- your passport + a copy of all its written pages (also pages containig stamps, visas, etc. – empty pages are not required)
- filled out payment form (the red bollettino postale) for tax of electronic badge costs (it is included in the postal kit)
- If you are applying for renewal, bring your old residence permit + a copy of it (both sides)
- receipt or a filled out payment form for your yearly health coverage (since 2024 a modello F24, see the Health insurance section above)
- a 16€ marca da bollo - stamp/coupon, you can buy it at any Tobacconist; for SNS students only: ask for a receipt to be refunded! In case they refuse to give you a receipt, take a photo of the first page of the form with the stamp just before shipping.
At the Post Office you have to wait in the digital queue and then go to the Sportello Amico (a desk reserved for immigration procedures).
When it’s your turn, just make the following payments:
- € 70,46 (amount due for tax and cost for a yearly electronic badge)
- € 30,00 shipping costs (the so-called Assicurata)
- € 700 student's yearly amount due to SSN (National Health Service) for health coverage, that must be paid before you send the Assicurata; the due amount for Post Docs must be calculated in function of their previous year's revenue (in Italy and abroad); take care to keep at least a copy of the receipt (IMPORTANT: if made at Post office there must be a paid stamp with data and amount)
After submitting your application, you will get a shipping receipt: it's an A4 sheet where you will (usually) find the date of your appointment at the Immigration Office.
If you don’t have an appointment date and time on the shipping receipt, you'll read the message below: the Immigration Office will send you later a letter (or an SMS) notifying you the time and date.
Until you'll get your Permesso di Soggiorno card, the receipt is the proof that you applied for a residence permit and that you are regularly staying in Italy: it contains reference numbers which can be used to check your specific application. As soon as you receive the receipts, make scans, hard copies and take care of the original papers: don't loose them, leave the originals at home and bring around with you the copies.
After shipping the kit and before your 1st appointment, you can check your PdS application status in the dedicated page of Postal Service inserting your User Id and Password readable in the Assicurata receipt (the other small receipt with an ologram, see example below).
The SNS refunds all application costs for its Students so you may now apply by filling out the form available at this link: Immigration cost refund form .
The form must be delivered or sent by post to SNS Protocollo together with a full copy of your original application receipts of payment.
2. First appointment at the Questura
As mentioned earlier, you will be informed of the date of your appointment at the Questura - Ufficio Immigrazione (Police Head Station - Immigration Office) - directly at the post office when submitting the kit (in the receipt) or otherwise via SMS in case of temporary unavailability of free slots.
If you miss your first appointment, you will receive a letter with a second one at the address mentioned in the application form.
Be careful not to miss your second appointment, otherwise your application will be rejected and there won’t be anything the SNS offices will be able to do to let you stay in Italy!
This appointment is the so-called fotosegnalamento : the main purpose of it is to check your documents and to take your index finger scans. You need to bring with you:
- appointment confirmation (application receipt issued by the post office or SMS or letter from Questura)
- your passport
- a letter stating your position at the SNS (issued by SNS Student Office in Pisa or Florence)
- 2 passport size and type photos
- health insurance (if NHS receipt of SSN payment)
- Codice Fiscale : certificate of attribution or your Tessera Sanitaria
2.1 Biometrics
At the end of your first appointment you will be scheduled to provide biometric data (height, full finger/palm scan, eye colour).
This appointment can be either on the same day as the fotosegnalamento in the afternoon or within a month.
(In Firernze only: you have to wait in a different queue; for queries relating to queueing you can always approach the policemen at the front door)
3. Permesso, finally!
After your visits to post office and Questura you will need to wait for an SMS informing you that your residence permit is ready. The SMS will also include information about how to retrieve it.
Just remember that, until the document is ready, the post office application receipt will be your temporary residence document.
Should you have not written your Italian mobile number in your PdS application or have not yet communicated it during your first appointment, you'd better do as follows.
At least a week after your first appointment, you can check your PdS status in the dedicated page of Polizia di Stato inserting just your Codice Assicurata readable in the mail A4 size PdS receipt (equal to the password of the Assicurata receipt). You can get the following 3 status characterized as a traffic light:

If you get the red light answer, please check carefully the code inserted: it must be the 12 numbers one (usually) beginning with "055".
The permit validity dates are usually the starting and ending dates of the academic year. In Italy the academic year goes from November 1st to October 31st.
4. Permesso renewal
To renew the permesso you need to be sure you have been admitted to the following year of your course at the SNS.
If you want to be sure and get the SNS letter in time, it is better to submit your yearly report within the June-July deadline.
As soon as you have both the letter from the SNS student office stating your updated enrollment and your current residence permit, you can get a postal kit and start the application process again.
N.B. Officially, you can apply for the renewal only from September (no earlier than two months before the expiry date of your current permit).
Applications in July-August are also usually accepted. If you manage to speed things up, you might get your appointment earlier.
Mobility within the EU
Extra EU citizens holding a valid PdS or a visa issued by Italy are able to travel within the EU for mobility programmes (such as Erasmus) or inter-institutional agreements (such as exchange ones) or other work reason without obtaining any additional visas. The period of their stay in a different EU country can be up to 360 days or until the expiry date of the Italian PdS/visa if earlier.
If you do not meet the conditions previously mentioned you will have to apply for a residence permit after a period of six consecutive months.
For more details please connect to this link: EU Immigration Portal , select your destination country and your migration profile (i.e. Student) and find information: conditions, procedures, rights, ...
Bank account
Last but not least: please, don’t forget your bank account!
Non-EU citizens couldn't be able to open an Italian bank account until they receive their Permesso di Soggiorno and the entire process could take many months.
That’s why it is crucial for them to arrive in Italy with a valid and easily reachable foreign bank account to receive their scholarships.
According to Italian law, SNS cannot pay cash!
Please note: we try to keep updated this guide. If you find a wrong or missing or not updated content (text, link or document) please write an email to international@sns.it with your remarks and suggestions. Thanks for your cooperation.
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