Image for Franco Flandoli

Franco Flandoli

Full Professor

Probabilita' e statistica matematica (SSD: MATH-03/B)

050 509813

Palazzo di via Roma 3, ufficio 204

Franco Flandoli has dedicated his most significant research to current topics in the theory of stochastic processes and fluid dynamics. He was an undergraduate and a PhD student at the Scuola Normale Superiore, a researcher and associate professor at the University of Turin, a full professor at the University of Pisa and, since 2018, he is a full professor at the Scuola Normale. He is a visiting professor in many international universities and an important member of the international probabilistic community. He won an ERC Advanced Grant in 2022 and is a national PRIN coordinator, a member of numerous scientific committees as well as a corresponding member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

Education: degree in Mathematics, University of Pisa, and degree of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (1982); part of Ph.D., Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (1984); periods of study at the Institute of Dynamical Systems of Bremen (Germany).
Past positions: researcher, University of Torino (83-88); associate professor at the University of Torino (88-91), at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (91-95), at the University of Pisa (1995- 2000); full professor at the University of Pisa (2000-2018).
Prizes: IMS Medal 2012; Medal Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze, 2020.
Visiting professor and research visits: Technische Univ. of Berlin, Univ. Bremen, Univ. Crakow, Inst. H. Poincaré of Paris, Univ. Paris XIII, Czech. Acad. Sci. of Prague, Univ. Los Angeles, Newton Institute Cambridge, Univ. Oxford, Univ. Warwick, Univ. Hull, Univ. Nice, ETH and Univ. Zurich, Bernoulli Center Lausanne, Paris Dauphine, Univ. of Tokyo and Kyoto, Univ. of Wuhan, Weihai and Naijin, Bielefeld University, ENSTA-Paris and others.
Lecturer at several international schools, including CIME 2007 and Saint Flour 2010 (recent: Nice June 2023, RIMS Varese July 2023, Prague August 2023). Plenary speaker at several conferences, including SPA Oaxaca 2011 and Medallion Lecturer at 8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Istanbul 2012.
Supervisor of dr. B. Ferrario, T. Vargiolu, H. Bessaih, M. Romito, B. Busnello, F. Morandin, D. Barbato, E. Fedrizzi, S. Attanasio, L.A. Bianchi, G. Zanco, A. Bevilacqua, A. Caraceni, M. Maurelli, M. Coghi, M. Leocata, C. Ricci, F. Grotto, U. Pappalettera and others, Ph.D. students at the University of Pisa or at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. 7 PhD students active at present.
Editorial activity: Managing editor of Nodea, Associate editor Annales Institut Henri Poincaré, Annali Scuola Normale Superiore, Journal Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Mathematical Methods and Models in Applied Sciences, Journal Dynamics and Differential Equations, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis (past: Electronic Journal (and Communications) in Probability).
Grants: ERC Advanced Grant 2022 NoisyFluid; Coordinator of a local research units of national projects PRIN of the Italian Ministry of Research, from 1999 to 2006 and from 2008 to 2019; national coordinator PRIN from 2023.
Commettees: Member of past scientific committee of GNAMPA (2004-2012). Member of past Scientific committee of Centro De Giorgi (2003-2011). Director of Department Applied Mathematics of Pisa (2001-2003). Member of the committee of competitions for researchers and Professors in Probability. Scientific Board of 3CSA. President commettee Department of Excellence SNS 2022.
Research topics: stochastic differential equations and probabilistic methods in fluid dynamics; stochastic partial differential equations; random dynamical systems; deterministic and stochastic control theory; recently stochastic models in oncology and epidemics; stochastic models in climatology.
Publication data: Author of 203 publications, with 4799 citations from 1734 authors, h-index = 31 (source: Mathscinet July 2023).